There will come a storm

I studied birth order, I studied sibling rivalry: the natural next would be relationships: Adam & Eve stuff. I dunno maybe I should have started there…How to make marriage work.

Well I came across Dr. John Gottman and what he says(and studied) makes sense. It is really very simple: be friends first and continuously… 69% of issues are existing and unresolvable in every relationship: it’s the friendship and positivity(5:1) that makes or breaks the relationship.

And then there are the four apocalypse horsemen…indicators you should fix something fast or you are heading for disaster in your marriage.

I would recommend this talk of his you can watch on youtube ‘Making Marriage Work’

Oh and he has a cool app you can download ‘Card Decks’ to help you start some conversations(instead of dwelling on old ‘issues’) People don’t ask enough questions these days. Who knew?

You can join me on Mondays before eight am for Mondays With Marthie- I am busy sharing my insights on LinkedIn. And I’ll tell you a secret: it’s all about friendships. #BigSecret.
Don’t be stingy with your love: it is THE currency that will change your/the world!


Sr. Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch
Singer-Songwriter, Professional Nurse, Inspirational Speaker
“Find Your Purpose And Run With It”
[email protected]
083 767 2701
Womanonfire_1 instagram

>The photo is me in front of a piano- where else? Jerry Pettit picked it as a thumbnail for our song on Youtube.
>The QR code: snap it to join me on LinkedIn. My goal is to reach 1500 connections(that is ‘next level’-first level is 500)
>footcare as usual
>I signed up for a music sync licensing course. Fingers crossed it will be worth the hard work I’m going to be whispering(Nell is writing her AS levels Cambridge exams and nobody-especially me- is allowed to make a noise…)
>You can listen to my new songs here for 5090 Expect ✔️ghosts and ✔️Tao Te Ching
>The song I picked is a friend of mine who has been so kind listening and commenting on so many of my 5090 songs(fifty songs in ninety days: mostly the ghost songs!) I decided to cover his song about mature love that outlasts the storm.

Words & Music By Jerry Pettit

Is there anything more lovely
Than love at first sight?
With that first infatuation,
Doesn’t everything seem right?
And you hope it lasts forever,
But it never really does.
Every time there comes a challenge,
Completely changes how it was.

You will have no warning,
But the clouds will form,
Block the sun next morning.
Can you both conform?
Keep each other warm?
Because I promise you someday,

It’s how we learn what is worth keeping,
To separate the wheat from chaff.
Assess the missteps in life’s journey,
Learn when to cry and when to laugh.
Sometimes life is one big party,
Sometimes life’s a vale of tears.
Important not to be complacent.
The challenge comes every few years.

You will have no warning,
But the clouds will form,
Block the sun next morning.
Can you both conform?
Keep each other warm?
Because I promise you someday,


There’s a reason they’re called “Golden”,
Those years when all the storms subside.
When you have gained some hard-earned wisdom.
You handle little storms in stride.
It’s time to reach out to your partner,
And take her hand inside your own.
For soon enough, you must release her.
That final storm you’ll face alone.

You will have no warning,
But the clouds will form,
Block the sun next morning.
Can you both conform?
Keep each other warm?
Because I promise you someday,

© 2020, Jerry Pettit

LinkedIn and spending a night in jail

I am not sure if I was ever meant to fit in a square but if you think about it a cellphone is a rectangle and so is your final box. Now the question is how are you going to stand out the rest of the time…In real relationships and keep yourself out of trouble?

Sunday I spend the night in jail.. LinkeInjail. I overdid it: after COVID(or should I say the tail-end of COVID and getting to used to sitting around) I am keen to show how I fit in square living again. Gone are everyday’s mountain walks, back to the reality of traffic jams (gotto love those!) and grocery store queues…. SO I thought I would give LinkedIn a try(after a recommendation I got from my cousin who has just arrived in Yale, USA to study engineering).

I watched a couple of videos and I was on my way connecting with people in my industries: from nursing(Friday), singing(Saturday), Songwriting(Sunday) and then BAM! just like that the door slammed closed behind me #JailTime(I was carrying on too industriously)

One thing that jail time does to you: it teaches you to actively watch the door in anticipation. Luckily I was locked out in North American time and was set free during the night sleeping in Africa! Now I am back at playing Linked-LinkedIn again. If your work is not playing you are in the wrong profession, I think…

Now I am back: Monday’s job was updating my profile with the 18 tips Nathaniel set out ( if you want to do the same) Hey you can jump in and join me: let me know what skill I can recommend you for: everybody needs a helping hand in these uncertain times.(You can use the QR code above or use this link to see my interpretation of the 18 pointers…

Sr. Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch
Singer-Songwriter, Professional Nurse, Inspirational Speaker
“Find Your Purpose And Run With It”
[email protected]
083 767 2701
Womanonfire_1 instagram

>News: I started up my ‘Mondays with Marthie’ You Tube series again with a Purple Cow…
>And I released a new Story of Hope about George The School-Re-Builder…(as in picture)
>This is the song we wrote for George and his community to help them with their efforts… The link is at the bottom if you are interested in hearing it. I believe music must work hard.
Rise Up and Praise

©️ 2020 Cindy Prince

1. To the least of us
To the best of us
To the largest ones
To the smallest ones

Pre-chorus: God sees everything
In gratitude we sing

Rise up, Rise up and praise
I lift- my heart in song
All day and all night long
Praise God in every way!

God knows my heart,
He knows my soul
takes care of me
and my trouble
God is always there
God will always care

2. To the newborn child
To the old aged mind
To the needy ones
To the giving ones

Pre-chorus: God sees everything
In gratitude we sing

The Procrastinator: Born for a Monday

I recently made a study on what effect it would have on a child to sit next to all the suitcases in the boot of the car when going on a holiday(no sitting-room at the front). The fourth child. Never-mind being born 16 weeks early and spending my first days/weeks/months in an incubator.

I found some interesting stuff I thought might interest you about birth order…

Child #1 is the CEO(does not like conflict, earns more money, earns more than the rest and has a higher IQ- more attention from mom and dad…)
Child #2 is the Rebel(is opposite and opposes everything #1 does and raising children in their house is like raising little Frankensteins questioning everything especially authority)
Child #3 is the Humanitarian(he wants things to be fair for everybody and has a big circle of friends outside the house, wants to be liked by their own children)
Child #4 is the Clown.(great entertainer, overachiever, likes to be taken care of/delegate, can sell you a soap and are much liked by their children and sees it as another opportunity to play)
#Only Child is Independent and can either be the jewel child(special because it was the only child possible: spoilt with good manners) or planned(only child planned: in this case the child is raised as a mini-adult from the start.

Now I am checking in with everybody to see where they ‘fit in’. (Note: the child-set must be in a 5-7 timeframe: if there are bigger gaps in-between children there might be more then one ‘sets’ of children changing the numbering)
To me this significant in understanding myself better and exploring new wats to engage with people to work better together: e.g. I might be able to sell a soap as #4 but I need a #1 to get somebody to sign on the dotted line and hand over the money!
The most entertaining video I found on this was this one(an hour well spent…)

Let me know what your sibling position number is- who knows maybe you need a soap-seller for your Monday products I can help you with.

Sr. Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch
Singer-Songwriter, Professional Nurse, Inspirational Speaker
“Find Your Purpose And Run With It”
[email protected]
083 767 2701
Womanonfire_1 instagram

>I have been uploading my albums to bandcamp to make it easy to find all my music in one place(and stories) New Grandma’s have been asking about children’s music and I can recommend: ✔️Sing Afrikaans 1-7, ✔️Ek is Spesiaal, ✔️Boelie, ✔️Afrikaans Sonder Grense and yes ✔️Plaasjapie(stories). Link below will take you there…
>Foot Care as usual: weekdays, home visits.
>Song of the week is a Tao Te Ching Verse #12. It is from the book of wisdom by Lao Tzu. I wanted to listen to it often while walking but kept falling asleep so decided to put it to music with better results…

Tao Te Ching Verse 12

The five colors blind the eye
The five tones deafen the ear
The five flavors dull the palate
Racing, hunting, and galloping about
Only to disturb the mind
Wasting energy to obtain rare objects
Only impedes one’s growth

So the Sage is led by his inner truth
And not his outer eye
He holds to what is deep
And not what lies on the surface

I heard about your problem

It’s a pain…
Here is my version of how the World works
You try to impress the world with your best : I named that being in ‘peacock-feather strutting mode’ or in short the peacockfeather-stratosphere: the orbit you live your world in(pouveerstratosfeer) But this creates problems because you are to far from your base and being authentic to uour true self attaching to anyone and everything because… pigs like us are not meant to be flying like that…

Best is to be a pig: a fat enough one that when it’s belly drags along on earth it hurts and you can stop to pay attention and investigate. The people around you are sniffing distance and hopefully can provide a tasty meal. (Only skinny pigs can fly.)

Shrek’s Fiona comes to mind: you know the heroine who turns into an ogre at night and during the day is a beautiful princess. Well I have come to the conclusion that ‘being me’ is not that bad after all and I am having fun in all the mudholes.
Question is: where are you hurting or should I say where is your belly dragging on the tar-road? Once you start paying attention you don’t have to run after the addiction of your choice: religion, work, busy being busy, dependent relationships(cling-on), alcohol, drugs and just being plain nasty because you never got a chance to be yourself.
Problems and pains should be sniffed out timeously and snuffed before they become ulcers, cancers, addictions of sorts.

Dr.Gabe Maté says he reads obituaries to find out what killed them: being too nice and not saying no comes up frequently. (he specializes in end of life care and addictions) Here is one interview I liked

Have a very belly nice day!(Mag jou maag so op die grond sleep dat jy dit agterkom/ may your belly drag on the ground in a way you take notice)

Sr. Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch
Singer-Songwriter, Professional Nurse, Inspirational Speaker
“Find Your Purpose And Run With It”
[email protected]
083 767 2701
Womanonfire_1 instagram
>The photo of the pig was taken at Boschendal Wine Estate.
>Foot Care available on request.
>BTW I finished my Toastmasters Pathway Leadership Development! Whoop! Whoop!
>Song of the day is the one that will be featured in Coolparadiso’s podcast next week. He lives in Australia. He liked my collaboration with Elizabeth Petty enough-Thank you. You can losten to his podcast here
For the song
When I miss you-kahlo2013

V1. when the snow flies
when the cold grows
when the wind stings
that is when
when I miss you
miss you most

C1. the grace of your thoughts
the warmth of your heart
the time you gave
all of this
I miss

B. I miss you more than you can know
more than I can show
I am sorry I needed to go
I am sorry I left you so

C2. the song of your soul
the depth of your touch
the love you shared
and your kiss
I miss

V2. when the storms come
when the rain falls
when the dark reigns
that is when
when I miss this
miss this all

C1. the grace of your thoughts
the warmth of your heart
the time you gave
all of this
I miss

B. I miss you more than you can know
more than I can show
I am sorry I needed to go
I am sorry I left you so

C2. the song of your soul
the depth of your touch
the love you shared
and your kiss… I miss

Burnout and shedding the ashes

I think it was about 2 and a half years ago when I realized I was burned out. It’s when you climb a hill/the stairs and you have to rest ever couple of steps. Your mind is driven and you are already days ahead into the future but your body wants to stay and rest for a while on the next step right here in front of you.
So then you take that step and the next one. And you wait. It takes up to 18 months for your body to recover and restock on the depleted hormones: a made a study of it at one stage, forgotten most of it but I’ll tell you the bottomline:
There is an other side of burnout: one where you travel light, decide what you want to pick up to carry with you on your journey and what makes your light shine the brightest.
(and then COVID helps you strip the rest away) That burn and urgency you feel, not to die with the music still in you. Your music. That doodle that makes you peculiarly you and special because nobody else has got your brand of crazy written all over their life like you!
When you give yourself permission to be your own kind of crazy(and change the World for the better with it because that was the masterplan in the first place!) you also give the next person permission to be their own kind of crazy. And do we shine!

I’m on the other side of burnout. I’m here: me, my mind and my body: on this one spot aiming for the next step and eyeballing the future ahead. I am hearing voices of people who wants me to tell their stories and wrap it up in 3 minute music mp3’s, children’s stories, radio dramas, plays, books: it’s like living with a village of ideas: some uglier/prettier/weirder than others but I hear them and I don’t need pills for them- just a pen or a computer keyboard!

I’ll introduce you to some below…

I would love to hear what YOUR crazy village looks like #FunnyBunch!

Sr. Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch
Singer-Songwriter, Professional Nurse, Inspirational Speaker
“Find Your Purpose And Run With It”
[email protected]
083 767 2701
Womanonfire_1 instagram
>in the picture is the design of my new released album on bandcamp(link below) Jerry Pettit from February Album Writing Month-community nagged me: he wants to buy my Cindy Prince collaborations. So I sat down and the 35 lIst of songs are growing. We have done it all Waltzes, kids songs(yes also about lice!🤣), alzheimers, flowers- lots of flowers!, space, save the globe-type stuff and now my favorite … Ghost stories! She really writes them magnificently -so you better check under the bed to see if there’s space for both of us…!
>Footcare ambulance: yes on request. I am able to go in some places. I see one client or so one location per day & send you a picture(I know many can’t see their parents during COVID lockdown)
>Plaasjapie (The Afrikaans children’s story- series about the pig who wanted to see the World and ended up in Paris)is also on Bandcamp now if you prefer that format
>Speak Afrikaans Easily: the community is growing- I have put a 150 ppl cap on it now. Many people need penpals/chatpals- if that is your thing- please let me know.
>Song of the week is a collab with Cindy. Please SUBSCRIBE to my Channel – I am reaching for my 2 000 subscriber goal!
Enlightened and Restored
© 2020 Cindy Prince

I’m restored with my bare feet in the grass
I’m restored seeing a selfless act
I’m restored when I know all the facts
I’m restored

I’m enlightened in a meditative state
I’m enlightened knowing no hate
I’m enlightened standing at heaven’s gate
I’m enlightened

I’m enlightened and restored
When hearts are open wide
I’m healing and renewed
When all my tears have dried
I’m enlightened and restored
When I’m in the wild outside
Enlightened and restored
Once more

I’m healing when I have a restful sleep
I’m healing when I have treasure to keep
I’m healing when I know my love is so deep
I’m healing

I’m renewed with the touch of a child
I’m renewed when I let myself be wild
I’m renewed and often beguiled
I’m renewed

Repeat chorus

A Spoon full of Sugar

You may be born with the golden spoon in your mouth. You can go without a knife and a fork but a spoon is different. You can also get out your pocket knife…

I recently became aware of a hobby I have never heard of before. I was attending my monthly Zoom meeting at Toastmasters. I was quite excited because I was doing my last speech in my Leadership pathway- and what a pathway it was! It’s true what Nelson Mandela said: It always seems impossible until it’s done… well I thought I was done but since discovered I still have to do the #FinalSpeech: the speech about all the speeches I have done on my pathway🤣. Man, I am learning patience…!

Anyway the hobby I learned about is #SpoonCarving! It turns out to be quite an art and practiced by many people! Who knew…

Now that is why I like Toastmasters and the people I meet there and the new things I learn from those people- also busy on their neverending pathways of speeches finding the end of their journeys and sharing it with fellow-travellers like me! That is a- heaped-spoon full of sugar to share in your next dinner conversation!

Now a spoon is an interesting thing. You can feed people with it and be fed with it. It can become a symbol of both power and serving. I’ll leave you with the story I heard about Heaven and Hell: both have a big pot of soup and long spoons. A bunch of people are huddled around the pot but in the one people are well fed because they feed each other where in the latter they go hungry because on their own they can’t manage to let the utensil reach their own lips to be fed.

Maybe it’s time we all become #Spooncarvers and #Spoonmasters! Let me know if you are interested and you can join in with our next Toastmasters Zoom meeting(and I hope- my last pathway speech!) and I will connect you with the right spooned people…

Sr. Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch
Singer-Songwriter, Professional Nurse, Inspirational Speaker
“Find Your Purpose And Run With It”
[email protected]
083 767 2701
Womanonfire_1 instagram
>In the picture is Sing Afrikaans: the album I am most asked about. Where to find it, buy it, listen to it. Well actually you can just Google ‘Bobbejaan klim die Berg’ and my name and it will take you there on any platform. Cd’s you can buy from me(just drop me a note)
>My Speak Afrikaans Easily groups are growing on Whatsapp and Facebook. Here is the link if you want to do the course I created. It’s free!(yes I know I am a bad businesswoman but I believe things likes this comes back to you: just keep your mouth open and your spoon loaded…) To start #SpeakAfrikaansEasily course click Access code: ou4vhse
>I am doing footcare on request(and have saved a couple of lives during COVID! I promise…)
>I’ve been busy with writing a RadioPlayStory ‘Die Trein stop nie hier nie’. Wish me luck- the competition I’m entering with it closes end of July.
>You can follow my songwriting progress here(many prayers for kids songs in English and Afrikaans- because the hope is all kids will grow up to be well-fed adults…)
>The link below will take you to the ‘mother who cooks dinner every night’ song…
>And just when you thought I did not have a -NEW 50 songs in 90 days – challenge song about a spoon… I do! But this is more a ‘coffee in bed on a Sunday morning sleeping late’ kind of song…Listen here

1. Wat is dan die
lekkerste lê
As die lê agter jou blad
op ‘n Sondagoggend?

2. Wat is dan die
lekkerste hê
As jou my arm om my lyf
So sag en warm

Prochorus: Jy laat my hart sing
Jy laat my hart sing

Koor: Jy, my lief, my lief, my lief
Ek het dit nie geweet nie
Jy, my lief, my lief, my lief
Ek het dit nie besef nie
Saam met jou, Saam met jou
wil ek lepellê elke Sondag
Saam met jou, Saam met jou
wil ek lepellê…

3. Waar sal ek dan
lekkerder kry
As jou koffie in die bed
Op ‘n Sondagoggend?

4. Wat is dan die
lekkerste sê
Jy is lief vir my
Beskerm my teen die lewe


Koda: asseblief , lepellê
SUBSCRIBE to my Channel please 🙂



All you have to do is ring the bell

This passed on message made me think: would you live life differently after you ring the bell? OR does somebody you know have to ring the bell for you because you were missing out on something you did not know you still have: #Life

“Interesting history: in England the local folks started running out of places to bury people. So they would dig up coffins and would take the bones to a bone-house, and reuse the grave. When reopening these coffins, 1 out of 25 coffins were found to have scratch marks on the inside and they realized they had been burying people alive, so they would tie a string on the wrist of the corpse, lead it through the coffin and up through the ground and tie it to a bell. Someone would have to sit out in the graveyard all night (the graveyard shift.) to listen for the bell; thus, someone could be, saved by the bell or was considered a dead ringer.

Now, whoever said History was boring?”

Remember to ring the bell, celebrate more, make the phone-call, give the time, treasure the moment. It’s really not complicated… to me the point is: once you get out of that coffin- don’t drag it around with you. If you are still here- there must be a very good reason for it… so #RingTheBell often and LOUD.

Sr. Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch
Singer-Songwriter, Professional Nurse, Inspirational Speaker
“Find Your Purpose And Run With It”
[email protected]
083 767 2701
Womanonfire_1 instagram

>In the picture is moss: the only living thing that thrives being single…
>Busy with #FiftyNinety (50 songs in 90 days) You can check out the songs for 2020 so far here
>The button below leads to a playlist of songs I cowrote with Elizabeth Petty(USA) – we always have fun knocking on each others creative windows! I guess knocking is almost as good as ringing a bell…
>song of the week: ‘I see a dead man walking’- it’s a song I wrote one morning while it was still dark driving my children to school: somebody was crossing the busy road. And that made me think: if you were well ‘a dead man walking’ -what would you fear because death was crossed off the list… and then things came up like being alone and missing out or not enjoying life while you still had the opportunity. My favorite part is where he knocks on your window…
I see a dead man walking

V1. I see a dead man walking
He is afraid
But not of dying
But of staying too long
in the land of the living dead

V2. I see a dead man standing
He is afraid
But not of dying
But of being forgotten
By the ones that he loved.

V3. I see a dead man running
He is afraid
But not of dying
But of being left behind
Of being alone.
V4. I see a dead man singing.
Is he afraid?
Shaking doors and windows
A shadow with knees.
A phantom that sees in the dead of night.

V5. I see a dead man smiling
He’s looking at me
He’s looking so happy
I guess he doesnt see
No, he doesnt know.

I say: “Deadman,
What are you waiting for?
Can I help you search for something.
This ain’t your life no more
This ain’t your life no more”
But he kept on mumbling
Or was it the wind in the trees
It might have been nothing
Or was it just the shadow me?
Or was it just the shadow me?

V6. Who is the dead man walking?
Just crossing the street
I guess you never know the ending
Of the road that you’ll meet
When the Final Whistle blows

Ascending the mountain again

Because you forgot to look up- to spot the waterfall.
Later walking up to see it close up. It is actually easy climbing a mountain- if you do it one step at a time- the big rocks help.

Recently I thought how can sitting in a lockdown be progress? Then I remembered Canada and all the famous waterways- the preferred way to travel for the longest time.

Ferry transport! That is when you park your car – go and relax, read the newspaper, drink more coffee and croissants then you should(if they are not sold out). Sleep. Rest. Eat. Repeat… and before you know it you have reached the shore if the new destination you were looking forward to… The hard work is starting your car and waiting for the green light to get off the ramp to exit the ferry.

There you have it: progress while sitting down… another way of ‘sitting while making progress’ scenario would be locks (what if Covid is a water level changer?) You can watch cool video I found to demonstrate how ppl do this daily… The Story of The Bingley Five Rise Locks

Sr. Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch
Singer-Songwriter, Professional Nurse, Inspirational Speaker
“Find Your Purpose And Run With It”
[email protected]
083 767 2701
Womanonfire_1 instagram
>In the photo is me looking for waterfalls…
>Masking footcare is happening.
> Song of the week is Always Rejoice.
LINK Always Rejoice-Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch-Woman On Fire

Somebody once said when you are going through a tunnel you don’t get off the train- you trust the driver to get you to your destination.(see another ‘sitting and making progress’ scenario…)
SUBSCRIBE to my Channel please 🙂
Always Rejoice

Chorus: Always rejoice
Always pray
Always give thanks
In all circumstance- For He is
Always your God- And this is
Always Gods will for you
in Jesus, in Jesus Christ

V1. Give your all
Your all is worthy
To the God who gave His son
to save your life
Give your all
Your all is worthy
Your heart is all He wants
Your am body, mind and soul

Bridge: Life will come and bring you days of sorrow
Life will come and bring a broken heart
Life will come and catch you unprepared for this moment
Life will come steal away your joy

V2. But don’t dis pair
Your God will be there.
There’s no way
He’ll leave your day
And He will find you
in this moment
And He will teach your feet the way to go
His hands will carry you



When a pig rules your life

You will soon be in a lot of truffles… Ask Plaasjapie the Pig who wanted to see the World: nothing more, nothing less…

The stories are all the White Envelopes I have created over the years and now found a home for! Super excited… Click around for the Afrikaans and English stories… Link below @ Rooipenstories(people insisted on correcting all my spelling & grammar mistakes- so I let them…)

Today the first #SpeakAfrikaansEasily student is writing the final exam for the online course.

Sr. Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch
Singer-Songwriter, Professional Nurse, Inspirational Speaker
“Find Your Purpose And Run With It”
[email protected]
083 767 2701
Womanonfire_1 instagram
>Footcare is back- bring earplugs! I am behind on talking to real people…
>Ask me anything about everything from cast iron pan preparation, cleaning tips, home organization and even food teaming and the space ship an my kitchen that can churn out bread dough…(I told you… #Earplugs!)
>The Song of the week is a summary of all the cleaning tips I found useful(I was scared I’m going to forget it so…) #ChemicalReaction
Link to song Chemiese reaksie- Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch-Woman On Fire

Chemiese Reaksie

Dis soos ‘n chemiese
Ui, ui, ui
en mayonaise
O Koeksoda
Met wit asyn
Gooi suurlemoene
En sout by

Haal uit jou rooiwyn
met witwyn, witwyn
Probeer bietjie doom
En haarsprei, haarsprei
vir die lipstiffie
en tandepasta
vir jou skoen
alkohol haal die ink uit

SUBSCRIBE to my Channel please 🙂

What the cat didn’t know

Is a dog came to visit. A black one. It ate all the energy out of the pantry and emptied the bowl of light. It took a while but I shooed it out the door.
Sometimes you don’t realize you have a visitor until you are running on empty. That is why you have to raise your awareness and quickly chase it out the door because the Dog Depression can eat up your days, weeks and years before you know it and it will make you pay in friends and family.

People don’t like to hang around when The Dog visits because it bites and they can get it too.
Best wat to get rid of the damn thing is look for it, look at it and show it the door. Don’t let it settle in and become comfortable… It poisons your head, talk, self-talk.

It is with the turn around you have to keep momentum and hold on to everything you know is true but don’t feel is true. It is practicing to smile, looking for humor and finding the little things that make you happy.

Happy is your job- even if you are in lockdown with nowhere to go except the bathroom.
So I hope you find your Black Dog/chase someone else’s away. Nobody can afford to lose a day to it.
When you turn to the Light the shadow is always behind you.

I am happy to say it’s just me and the cat again!

Sr. Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch
Singer-Songwriter, Professional Nurse, Inspirational Speaker
“Find Your Purpose And Run With It”
[email protected]
083 767 2701
Womanonfire_1 instagram

>In the picture is Mia the Cat and Cleopatra the clothing Iron… I am still planning some story writing about the Broom Closet Incredibles. In the meantime…
>You can listen to Plaasjapie’s Adventures- he is the pig who wants to see the World. I have created 2 stories so far and the rest(20 000 words!) is still lined up to be recorded. #RooipenStories
>Foot Care: I don’t feel comfortable doing it in stage 4 of lockdown. Aaa I really miss cheering up some faces!
>#StoriesOfHope has a playlist of featured people who inspire me… My goal was to create ten podcasts for now(I’m getting there slowly but surely… the inspiring people are busy- even during lockdown!) You can subscribe to the podcast here #MondaysWithMarthie here…
>>Watershed Animal Rescue
>> The Diana Ferrus Pages
>>The Rappin Donkey–The-Rappin-Donkey-edpj1t
>>The Shackbuilder
>>Save The Sheep Sutherland
>>Winston Siljeur Productions–Bless-ee1qqf
>The Song Of The Week is a well known quote from the Bible I stuck on the fridge especially to keep the Black Corona Dog out… For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord… Jer 28:11(The English read version is on Woman on Fire album… I know the plans I have for you -Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch-Woman On Fire
The new Afrikaans- put to music in C- version can be heard here…
Ek weet wat ek vir jou beplan het-Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch-Woman On Fire

“Ek weet wat ek vir jou beplan het.
Ek beplan voorspoed vir jou, nie teëspoed nie.
Ek wil hê dat jy hoop vir die toekoms moet hê.
Jy sal na my roep en kom bid.
Ek sal na jou luister.
As jy heelhartig na my soek, sal jy My vind.
Ek sal jou uit gevangeniskap laat terugkeer.
Ek sal jou versamel tussen al die nasies waar jy nou is en uit al die plekke waarheen Ek jou verban het.
Ek sal jou weer terugbring na die plekke waarvandaan Ek jou in ballingskap laat gaan het, sê die Here.”

Jeremia 28:11