I recently made a study on what effect it would have on a child to sit next to all the suitcases in the boot of the car when going on a holiday(no sitting-room at the front). The fourth child. Never-mind being born 16 weeks early and spending my first days/weeks/months in an incubator.
I found some interesting stuff I thought might interest you about birth order…
Child #1 is the CEO(does not like conflict, earns more money, earns more than the rest and has a higher IQ- more attention from mom and dad…)
Child #2 is the Rebel(is opposite and opposes everything #1 does and raising children in their house is like raising little Frankensteins questioning everything especially authority)
Child #3 is the Humanitarian(he wants things to be fair for everybody and has a big circle of friends outside the house, wants to be liked by their own children)
Child #4 is the Clown.(great entertainer, overachiever, likes to be taken care of/delegate, can sell you a soap and are much liked by their children and sees it as another opportunity to play)
#Only Child is Independent and can either be the jewel child(special because it was the only child possible: spoilt with good manners) or planned(only child planned: in this case the child is raised as a mini-adult from the start.
Now I am checking in with everybody to see where they ‘fit in’. (Note: the child-set must be in a 5-7 timeframe: if there are bigger gaps in-between children there might be more then one ‘sets’ of children changing the numbering)
To me this significant in understanding myself better and exploring new wats to engage with people to work better together: e.g. I might be able to sell a soap as #4 but I need a #1 to get somebody to sign on the dotted line and hand over the money!
The most entertaining video I found on this was this one(an hour well spent…) bit.ly/33fS5p9
Let me know what your sibling position number is- who knows maybe you need a soap-seller for your Monday products I can help you with.
Sr. Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch
Singer-Songwriter, Professional Nurse, Inspirational Speaker
“Find Your Purpose And Run With It”
[email protected]
083 767 2701
Womanonfire_1 instagram
#MondaysWithMarthie: goo.gl/9vbmfc
>I have been uploading my albums to bandcamp to make it easy to find all my music in one place(and stories) New Grandma’s have been asking about children’s music and I can recommend: ✔️Sing Afrikaans 1-7, ✔️Ek is Spesiaal, ✔️Boelie, ✔️Afrikaans Sonder Grense and yes ✔️Plaasjapie(stories). Link below will take you there…
>Foot Care as usual: weekdays, home visits.
>Song of the week is a Tao Te Ching Verse #12. It is from the book of wisdom by Lao Tzu. I wanted to listen to it often while walking but kept falling asleep so decided to put it to music with better results…
Tao Te Ching Verse 12 bit.ly/357VQiJ
The five colors blind the eye
The five tones deafen the ear
The five flavors dull the palate
Racing, hunting, and galloping about
Only to disturb the mind
Wasting energy to obtain rare objects
Only impedes one’s growth
So the Sage is led by his inner truth
And not his outer eye
He holds to what is deep
And not what lies on the surface