Ascending the mountain again

Because you forgot to look up- to spot the waterfall.
Later walking up to see it close up. It is actually easy climbing a mountain- if you do it one step at a time- the big rocks help.

Recently I thought how can sitting in a lockdown be progress? Then I remembered Canada and all the famous waterways- the preferred way to travel for the longest time.

Ferry transport! That is when you park your car – go and relax, read the newspaper, drink more coffee and croissants then you should(if they are not sold out). Sleep. Rest. Eat. Repeat… and before you know it you have reached the shore if the new destination you were looking forward to… The hard work is starting your car and waiting for the green light to get off the ramp to exit the ferry.

There you have it: progress while sitting down… another way of ‘sitting while making progress’ scenario would be locks (what if Covid is a water level changer?) You can watch cool video I found to demonstrate how ppl do this daily… The Story of The Bingley Five Rise Locks

Sr. Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch
Singer-Songwriter, Professional Nurse, Inspirational Speaker
“Find Your Purpose And Run With It”
[email protected]
083 767 2701
Womanonfire_1 instagram
>In the photo is me looking for waterfalls…
>Masking footcare is happening.
> Song of the week is Always Rejoice.
LINK Always Rejoice-Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch-Woman On Fire

Somebody once said when you are going through a tunnel you don’t get off the train- you trust the driver to get you to your destination.(see another ‘sitting and making progress’ scenario…)
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Always Rejoice

Chorus: Always rejoice
Always pray
Always give thanks
In all circumstance- For He is
Always your God- And this is
Always Gods will for you
in Jesus, in Jesus Christ

V1. Give your all
Your all is worthy
To the God who gave His son
to save your life
Give your all
Your all is worthy
Your heart is all He wants
Your am body, mind and soul

Bridge: Life will come and bring you days of sorrow
Life will come and bring a broken heart
Life will come and catch you unprepared for this moment
Life will come steal away your joy

V2. But don’t dis pair
Your God will be there.
There’s no way
He’ll leave your day
And He will find you
in this moment
And He will teach your feet the way to go
His hands will carry you



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