For the children

Terry Fox? Ever heard of him? He ran for the children: a marathon a day, every day in his Marathon of Hope…on a prosthetic leg. In 2005 Canada commemorated his legacy with a loonie coin in his honor. Wow! What a man!
“After losing his right leg to cancer at age 18, Terry Fox decided to run across Canada to raise awareness and money for cancer research. With the use of a customized running prothesis, he set out from St. John’s, Newfoundland, on 12 April 1980 and covered 5,373 km in 143 days — an average of 42 km (26 miles) per day. He was forced to stop his Marathon of Hope outside Thunder Bay, Ontario, on 1 September 1980, when cancer had invaded his lungs. He died one month before his 23rd birthday.”

Why does his story inspire me so much? He looked around at other people’s pain and struggles(the year in the pediatric cancer ward) and decided to change the future, trained 14 months and did it. No he did not finish, he did not have to: what he started made what he stood for unstoppable: Hope!
If you have ever been to Canada you will know harsh weather conditions will be meeting you on the road. There will be one million reasons why not to continue. Yet a promise is a promise. 40 years later the Terry Fox run has become part of the Canadian culture still raising awareness and money for Cancer research rippling out to many countries and setting the pace for other athletes to rise to their abilities.

What marathon doe you have to run today? And what excuse(s) have you come up with? And is there a Terry you can find in yourself to decide, overcome, persevere and inspire your world with by just looking around and coin it for the next generation. If you have two legs you have double the opportunity than Terry had to do it…

I am walking 5km today- let’s see where the road takes me. Hope to see you there.

Sr. Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch
Singer-Songwriter, Professional Nurse, Inspirational Speaker
“Find Your Purpose And Run With It”
[email protected]
083 767 2701
Womanonfire_1 instagram
>In the picture is one of the statues in Thunder Bay where Terry ran his last mile. Watch more about Terry’s story.
>>40 years later
>> The one minute story
>> The Marathon of Hope
>>2005 Loonie Coin
>Footcare as usual. I am away until 1 April.
> Song of the week: ‘Let’s make cancer history’ I wrote this song for a Cansa event where they were celebrating the volunteers who support cancer patients. It was inspired by them and my mother-in-law who was champing her lung cancer on another continent. You often hear the stories of the people who ‘carry the handbags’ while waiting to finish cancer treatments: the volunteers.
3 November 2005

You lead the way to new beginnings,
I see the light today

One voice can change the world around us

One by one –
I volunteer to be strong

Every survivor has a story –
You give me reasons to believe

I make a difference everyday

In every life – I cross along my way

You were there for me,
You walked with me,
You took care of me

Oh you loved me,
Oh you loved me.

You gave your time to me,
Your generosity,
Your financial support

It got me through,
It got me through

I remember your passion-
Giving tirelessly

To make a success,
To make cancer history

Let’s make, We can …
make Cancer history
One by one –
I volunteer to be strong

The Wait

I see it as progress while you are not doing anything- or rather you are doing a lot but you can’t measure your progress as easily as you sometimes need to- to realize your progress.
These days I am writing a story and a song a day. Just because if I don’t it hangs onto my mind and wont let go of it otherwise- the story.
So I will share with you my ✔️story, my ✔️insight(TedX talkabout procrastination and feeling ‘stuck’: ability, performance & self-worth and a ✔️resource of wisdom(The Tao of Pooh

“The main problem with this great obsession for saving time is very simple: you can’t save time. You can only spend it. But you can spend it wisely or foolishly.”
Benjamin Hoff, The Tao of Pooh.

Here is the story…

“Are you done with building the pyramid yet? ”
Sarah puts the plate of porridge on the table in front of Moses.
“No, but we are now faster at baking the bricks and transporting them to the building site,”
Moses leans back in his chair ”I think we are going to start the second layer of bricks today(sighs). It took years to lay the foundation stones! ”
“We are not going to finish today, tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow Sara,” and then softer “To build a pyramid takes many years, maybe longer than our lifetime,
but it will be a beacon for generations to come from how we lived and what we
stood for. Our children’s children will know that we have envisioned, done to accomplish it and done it right from the start.
If I do not do my part today, the pyramid will definitely not be completed.”
“Wait I have to go!” He moves his chair and kisses Sara before getting direction to where the sun is already baking down on the sand dunes and he sees the ends of the first pyramid sticking out.
Today he will do his part, he thinks, because today is a new day.

Sr. Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch
Singer-Songwriter, Professional Nurse, Inspirational Speaker
“Find Your Purpose And Run With It”
[email protected]
083 767 2701
Womanonfire_1 instagram
>In the picture is Spike out Hungarian Viszla waiting for me to take him on a forest walk.
>Foot Care as usual.
>>If you are interested in enrolling in the next #SpeakAfrikaansEasily Online course message me.
>Follow this year’s FAWM here
>My new album is available: My Beker Loop Oor(click below)
>Song of the week is a cowrite from a previous February Album Writing Month.

Waiting For Amen(Lyrics by Igg)
Verse 1:
Can you tell me how to make it
Through another day
From the wonder of creation
To the stench of its decay
From the promise of the dawn
To the horror of the night
I’ll keep on lying low today and,
Staying out of sight
I’ll stay out of sight

Lightning flashes in the midnight sky again
Distant thunder rolling out the rain
Hot wind blowing through my mind again
I’m just a prayer unanswered
Waiting for Amen

Verse 2:
The nightmares flowing through my blood
Are generations deep
I’d love to show them all to you
But they’ll just have to keep
Please whisper all your secrets
I’ll tell you all my lies
So you can have redemption
And I can sympathize
I’ll just sympathize

Just like a prayer unfolding
I stumble on my way
A simple hymn that I’m still singing
Waiting for Amen
Waiting for my sweet Amen

Lightning flashes in the midnight sky again
Distant thunder rolling out the rain
Bloodwind blowing through the night again
I am just a dusty prayer
Waiting for Amen

Fly like an Eagle

This is a new collaboration With Winston Siljeur and Wilna Germishuys-just in time for your weekend.

We would love for you to tell us what you think and request more great music we can get high on.


As jy wil hoe klink dit as Winston Siljeur kookwater musiek maak en Wilna Germishuys pragtig harmoniseer: hier is hy! Na al my gekarring kry ek toe ek arend liedjie gesmokkel uit die Winston Siljeur Production musiekfabriek(en die man is besig, hoor!)

Hierdie liedjie het ons op skool in ons sanggroep gesing en dit was nog altyd ‘n -letterlike-hoogtepunt. Nou dat my jaar ‘n tema gekry het(Soar), deel ek dit graag: Sweef soos ‘n arend!

Sluit asb aan by ons Youtube kanale- dis waar ons musiek maak en binnekort stel ons ‘n enkelsnit vry op Spotify(die skakel is in die beskrywing van die video op YouTube)

Speel dit, Deel dit, gooi jou versoeke in die boksie hieronder- dis hoe ons saam groter hoogtes bereik!

#SOAR #SpeakUp #OpenToEverything #AttachedToNothing #RiseUp

When your cup runs over it flows…

The next question would be: how big is the cup?
I like espressos in the morning(the extra water tastes funny to me: 45ml) but on the days I am checking my fluid intake(2 liters) I drink the full cup of coffee: 250ml- that is a lot of coffee!
But some days I am not awake yet and I press the wrong button (Yes, we have one of those fancy machines…Yay! #BookYourCoffeeNow) and end up with diluted coffee in my espresso cup… (Nooo, most of the coffee is in the catch-tray…)

Then I have a big mess I have to clean up because I was not ready for the abundance of the day…

Point is: be sure you are ready with the ‘right’ cup when you place your ‘life’-coffee order… you might get MORE then you asked for. #ComePrepared

I recently came across Margaret Hirsch’s approach on New Years Resolutions: 31 one of them for each day in January(so you can still catch up here…

One tip I tried was her suggestion of making a list of 300 things you want to do this year… 300?! (And then try to ‘get’ 200)
Well I am an overachiever so I made a list of 400…🙃 I was very curious as to how many lines a list like this would take up(9 pages: one thing per line for 300)

My conclusion was: if you only have 3 goals for the year guilt kicks in if you don’t achieve them(or aren’t at least working towards them… like losing weight…) It runs like a train on a track of 3 slats. But when you have 300ish slats for the year- well you can be doing anything you want because if it is not on the list you can add it, relax and slide your train all the way to 2022 smoothly.

So there you go! You should try it… let me know if you want me to brainstorm ideas with you(Oh the only thing is: trying to find the ONE thing you want to cross off the list that you accomplished🤣 Good luck with that one!)
Sr. Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch
Singer-Songwriter, Professional Nurse, Inspirational Speaker
“Find Your Purpose And Run With It”
[email protected]
083 767 2701
Womanonfire_1 instagram
>Foot Care as usual(recently I’ve upgraded to teaching slim phones to seniors too: I seem to have the patience to give fingers the ‘swiping’ workout to help enhance communication skills…)
>> Ta-Da!!! Don’t you just love the picture? My sister-in-law illustrated my new album and I absolutely love it! You can listen to the music on Spotify, Youtube, iTunes and if you put out request to your favorite radio they can play it(I’ll send them the files if it helps). Tony Drake graced the album with his brilliant piano. And I am happy to say on all the days I was trying to be sad the music cheered me up. All my favorite life songs(18+1) when coffee is not enough and you need to get the mop.
>>>I know I am quiet: busy working on a Music Licensing course and Music Production and warming up to kick off February Album Writing Month! Hoot! hoot! Can’t wait; I’ll be working on 25 Themes zongs and Kimberley(Musical on discovery of diamonds). Busy with #TheShackbuilder musical, children’s sport’s & play songs in Afrikaans(so if you know any I have not recorded yet- even the silly ones! Send them to me #Voicenote)
>Song Of the week is: “For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord…” in Afrikaans(take note- one of my slowest songs ever- usually I hoot ahead top speed!) It’s from my new Album(link below).

🎵Ek weet wat ek vir jou beplan het(Jeremia 29:11)

Ek weet/ wat ek/ vir jou/ beplan het,” Sê die Here
Ek beplan/ voorspoed vir jou, /nie teëspoed nie. Sê die Here
Ek wil/ hê/ dat jy hoop/vir die toekoms moet hê. 

Jy sal na My roep/ en kom bid,
Ek sal na jou luister. 
As jy heelhartig/ na My soek,
sal jy My vind. 
sal jy My vind,”

“Ek sal/ jou /uit gevangeniskap/ laat terugkeer.
Ek sal/ jou/versamel tussen al die nasies/ waar jy nou is/
en uit al die plekke/ waarheen Ek jou verban het
“Ek sal/ jou weer/ terugbring//
na die plekke/waarvandaan/ Ek jou/in ballingskap laat gaan het.”
Sê die Here

Ek weet/ wat HY/ vir MY/ beplan het,”
HY beplan/ voorspoed vir MY, /nie teëspoed nie. Sê die Here
HY wil hê/ dat EK hoop vir die toekoms moet hê. 

EK sal na HOM roep/ en kom bid,
HY sal na MY/ luister. 
En As EK heelhartig/ na HOM soek,
sal EK HOM vind. 
As EK heelhartig/ na HOM soek,
sal EK HOM vind. 

It’s Time

It’s time to SOAR. Now that Covid has stripped all the excess away. Speak up, be Open to everything, be Attached to nothing holding you back, Rise up…🦅

Every year I pick a theme for my year(my resolutions I have already made -of which the 1997 copy is still hanging on my wall- chipping away at it daily)
I started as a heavy 🧳pumpkin focusing on #Songwriting, moved on to #Travel light and a butterfly🦋, #Connecting to source💡 and be light, #Cherry 🍒do what is important (but not everything) which evolved to …#Unicorn!🦄to be my own kind of weird wonderful. 2020 was the year of 🐣#Eggspectation(boil it or hatch it) to get my ducks in a row🦆🦆🦆.

It just makes sense to aim for eagle days this year🦅 and #Soar.

Thank you for being the wind beneath my wings- I would be nothing without you supporting me! Happy new year.

Sr. Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch
Singer-Songwriter, Professional Nurse, Inspirational Speaker
“Find Your Purpose And Run With It”
[email protected]
083 767 2701
Womanonfire_1 instagram

> Expect a lot of soaring songs for FAWM(February Album Writing Month) this year. I am currently busy with a course on Music Licensing and it is a challenge I am up for connecting and meeting with great people with heart.

>Started up #MondaysWithMarthie again doing nature walks and exploring Hope(I have come across a snake and a goat in the forest… can’t wait for next Monday! The link is in my signature above)

>Released two new albums- just waiting for the thumbs up from cdbaby. 🎵One is little masterpieces written by Elizabeth Petty and composed the music ‘Harbor For Your Heart’. 🎵The other is 19 songs that have been eyeballing me for years to jump out of my bag of songs: Afrikaans songs of Hope(some scripture put to music and others my own doodles) ‘My Beker Loop Oor’- it’s the kind of music that make you smile just when you thought you were going to have a bad day. Tony Drake plays the piano on both.

>Song of the week is a song I started my singing career with after evolving from classical singing’s rules and regulations. You will hear Thomas de Bruin floating on top of the music with his flute.
It must have been cold there in my shadow
To never have sunlight on your face
You were content to let me shine, that’s your way
You always walked a step behind
So I was the one with all the glory
While you were the one with all the strength
A beautiful face without a name for so long
A beautiful smile to hide the pain
Did you ever know that you’re my hero
And everything I would like to be?
I can fly higher than an eagle
For you are the wind beneath my wings
It might have appeared to go unnoticed
But I’ve got it all here in my heart
I want you to know I know the truth, of course I know it
I would be nothing without you
Did you ever know that you’re my hero?
You’re everything I wish I could be
I could fly higher than an eagle
For you are the wind beneath my wings
Did I ever tell you you’re my hero?
You’re everything, everything I wish I could be
Oh, and I, I could fly higher than an eagle
For you are the wind beneath my wings
‘Cause you are the wind beneath my wings.

Songwriters: Jeff Silbar / Larry Henley

May you find love and give it away

I’m not going to say much.
Love has a way of igniting more love when you pass it on. It is a frequency we can all have more of.
So I hope you find it and give it away this year.
Is it a holiday?
Is it a covid wearing a mask?
Is it something you want your future to look like?
I don’t know.
What I do know is you have to make time to pay attention to people around you. We make each other whole. And that indeed is the ultimate currency: love handed out in capsules of time.
Enjoy! I love you- you rock my world in so many ways. Thank you for journeying with me! And rock your mask, hand sanitizer with social distancing- it does save lives…
Sr. Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch
Singer-Songwriter, Professional Nurse, Inspirational Speaker
“Find Your Purpose And Run With It”
[email protected]
083 767 2701
Womanonfire_1 instagram

>>>There is no song just an album of old and new favorites I hope you will enjoy whether you are having a Summer or Winter this December holidays!

Anthem of Hope: Bridge Builder Generation

Now is the time. To Start. I listen to people’s perspectives on how COVID changed the flow of life as we used to know it.
We are all caged in by our own limiting beliefs and set free when we challenge the normal we got used to as the norm.
It is not in the walk but in the fall and get up again we are defined.
Recently I took a look at farm murders, studied Lesotho and came to the conclusion people need houses with roofs that don’t leak. This will make it possible to start a home based business. Everybody knows Covid wiped existing jobs and are leaving people to be creative about creating an income.
So I phoned #TheShackbuilder Quinten Adams and we are working on a musical but in the meantime a poem he wrote inspired a new song. It is an anthem of hope. We are in this together: the get up and go is faster when we lean on each others strengths.

The biggest strength in this time to me is the believers(vs naysayers), the optimists, the ones that smile although you know the road has been especially hard for them.

I hope you find the essence of Christmas this year, buy your year planner and start dreaming again: that is how your get-up goes.


Sr. Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch
Singer-Songwriter, Professional Nurse, Inspirational Speaker
“Find Your Purpose And Run With It”
[email protected]
083 767 2701
Womanonfire_1 instagram
>If you want to connect with #TheShackbuilder you can start here (or inbox me)
>I found this definition of Poverty profound(I was trying to reframe poverty) If you have an abundance of it around you you can just as well put your glasses on and look at it. The glass is half, right?
>Here is the song. When I wrote and shared it it came back(in less than ten minutes) from Denmark, America, Belgium with videos, tracks(and quantized piano) and the list goes on… Thank you for a great production David Zipse: cheers to many more hope-projects!
Anthem of Hope: The Bridge Builder Generation

Now is the time- to stop building walls and start Building bridges.
Now is the time to demonstrate to society- unite and build more bridges .
Now is the time -To teach our kids statements and talks at home of-how to build bridges.

Let us take time -to have enough courage
Let us take time- to take people with us – When we cross the bridge….
Let us take time- I can show you how- To get to the other side.

Chorus: Let us be The Bridge Builder Generation
Let them call us the ones who made them proud
Let the generations to come
Say we did it all with love
Let’s break free from the shacks and the shackles
We rise above it all
finding a bright new future
With love from me to you

We build too many walls
and not enough bridges.
Ooh there’s Too many walls
Let’s build more bridges

Where the Night meets the Day

Is there a Culture of complaining? Is it a way to start a conversation. But the walls have ears. Little feet, immature problem solvers and inexperienced hope finders.

Recently two girls committed suicide at the same school. In my mind the idea pops up of in how much the negativity that exists in communities, families and friendships can be contributing to making and end to a young life.
I am not saying don’t bring up the problems- more don’t only bring up the problems. Becoming fit for life means exercising your muscles until you’ve done your pushups to make you stronger to withstands bigger storms than the one you are facing right now, learning and looking ahead with a knowing that this too shall pass: what should I be learning from this experience. And how can I become a beacon showing others the light to the road ahead.
And most of all remember the ears and little feet who are paying attention to your life and how you find the darkness is being met by the light. Let there be a balance and an opportunity to journey together.

Ps I recently cowrote this song with Bill White and I asked him about the story behind it. In his own words…
“the idea came from my four year old daughter who, in suffering holiday deprivation during the covid 19 lockdown, announded after a diisappointing halloween, that she didnt want to wait two months for christmas. she wanted to celebrate it now. i told her it wasnt chrismas yet, that she would have to wait…and she said then let’s pretend its christmas…and so we did. and i thought that no matter how bad things might be, there is nothing stopping us from treating every day like christmas….especially if it will make the children happy.

i was thinking how the song have yourself a merry little christmas expressed the difficulty of triumphing over holiday gloom during world war 2..and wanted to write something similar to express hope during the pandemic of 2020.

i did my best but wish i could have written a line a memorable as these……. Someday soon we all will be together If the fates allow
Until then, we’ll have to muddle through somehow.”
🎵Let’s pretend it is Christmas
(Click the link below to listen to the song)

Verse 1 We didn’t have much of a summer
No Saturdays in the park
No Sundays in the sand
The waves are still breaking
But there is nothing for the taking
And the plague is still blowing
Across the land
Across the land

Chorus 1: But take out the tinsel and trim the tree
Sing all the songs of holiday glee
Mama and papa and baby makes three
Let’s not be listless
Let’s pretend it is Christmas

Verse 2: As the crisp air of autumn arrives
There are no children singing
With playmates in the street
But with our families
Love and hope cascades through salty breeze
To remind us once again
That life is sweet
That life is sweet

Chorus 2: So take out the tinsel and trim the tree
Sing all the songs of holiday glee
Mama and papa and baby makes three
Let’s not be listless
Let’s pretend it is Christmas

Verse 3: Hang a star on the top of the tree
Let’s fill the air with a song
Thankful for those we love
Let’s raise up the brave mistletoe
And we’ll kiss in the silence below
And listen for
sleigh bells above
sleigh bells above

Chorus 3: colored lights shine in the trim of the tree
As we sing songs of holiday glee
Mama and papa and baby makes three
Let’s not be listless
Let’s pretend it is Christmas

Goodbye Feet

I’ve written many foot-songs that went on all kinds of journeys over the years.
There is one beauty I find in feet: you have to balance yourself on top of them. You can only occupy one space at a time. Not even zoom can change that!
Some people’s feet are made for resting others for seeing the world and even for staying restless. This is what makes us unique.
Don’t die with the music still inside you OR the journey still left to be walked with your feet. Oh the places you’ll see and the people you will meet.
You can not always pick who you journey with but you yourself can choose to be the best companion to journey with.
To me? I love seeing new places but what I love more is coming home.

I am working on a new release that is not quite ready yet: COVID is extending timelines a bit but in the meantime I will share my ‘Stinky feet’ song.

Sr. Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch
Singer-Songwriter, Professional Nurse, Inspirational Speaker
“Find Your Purpose And Run With It”
[email protected]
083 767 2701
Womanonfire_1 instagram

>The Picture is feet I often come across.
>Pop in on Mondays! I’m busy with a series on LinkedIn on #MondaysWithMarthie I would appreciate if you subscribe(Thank you- many have helped me get over the 2 000 subscription mark!🎉🎉🎉)
>FootCare as usual(COVID has made them grow longer and stronger #DaNails)
>If you want to know how a marthie pronounces ‘halo’ in English you can listen to Coolparadiso’s podcast with my collab with Saltyjohn from Uk in it ‘Too soon an angel’ here: To me it’s interesting when he interviews songwriters about ‘the method in their madness’ of creating music and listening to new music!
>And here is a link to just the song and lyrics…#5090(50 songs in 90 days endeavor)

Too soon an angel-Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch-Woman On Fire

Too Soon an Angel
lyrics @SaltyJohn

Verse 1
You didn’t get to go on safari
Or gallop a horse on the beach
You didn’t sit and sip a Campari
Hopping round the islands of Greece.

Verse 2
You didn’t see the Pyramids at Giza
Or sail on a boat down the Nile
Marvel at the tomb of Tutankhamun
And the Sphynx’s inscrutable smile

‘Cos, you were too soon an angel and angels don’t do those things
You were too, too soon an angel, golden halo and beautiful wings

Verse 3
You never saw a sunset in motion
The night time enfolding the day
As the sun melts into the ocean
And all the stars come out to play

I long to have shown you my world
Before you slipped away into yours

But, you were too soon an angel, and angels don’t do those things
You were too, too soon an angel, golden halo and beautiful wings

I’ll do all these things without you
And pretend you’re there by my side
And I’ll turn to you and I’ll tell you
I’m glad you’re along for the ride

SUBSCRIBE to my Channel please 🙂

Wired for success

Plug it in. I thought the ideal would be to go ‘wireless’ but then I discovered thick walls and batteries running flat faster than I can keep on charging devices. Moving office furniture around to make sure I am positioned well to catch what is out there: waves and megabytes.
Not quite the freedom you think technology would add to your life, eh? Doing things sooner and faster brings in more clutter and then it makes one wonder about the old art of arriving and knocking on somebody’s door…
Even if you are wired -to a charger
Or wireless- to wifi
Being connected to a room is never as wonderful as being connected to humans.
Success can be forever evolving in they price your willing to pay for it, give up for it, value it and what it is you value… as success. It changes and evolves over time and fluctuates in the company you are in: boardrooms and ‘bored’rooms.
COVID has brought a lot of new vision on old things. I watch the traffic jams grow back to ‘normal lengths’ on my way home and wonder how people have changed? What I see is happier people being more thankful for the opportunity to connect over and elbow handshake and doing their best for that movement.

People don’t run out of batteries but they do run out of love, hugs and conversation. Lucky that is an easy one to fix: pick up the phone, listen and just be there. Lonely unheard people are hurting people and that is when they need to wire up for success so nobody will notice the disconnect.

Sr. Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch
Singer-Songwriter, Professional Nurse, Inspirational Speaker
“Find Your Purpose And Run With It”
[email protected]
083 767 2701
Womanonfire_1 instagram

>In the picture is me uploading with Monday’s With Marthie again (focus on LinkedIn)
>Foot Care as Usual: weekdays, school hours.
>#SaveTheDate Doing a show with Hilton Mandela Andries at the Drostdy Theatre 7 Nov in Stellenbosch. Surreal I know: many doors later(the show would have happened end of March 2020!) Tickets available at or inbox me.
>song of the week is a cowrite with John Nicholson (coolparadiso from Australia) It was out first collab: no wires, but a big hug from Africa to Australia!

The Secret of my success -Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch-Woman On Fire

The Secret of my Success
lyrics @coolparadiso

V I might not be the best there is
Nor every skill possess
But I’m sure don’t lack the confidence
Thats the secret of my success

V They tell me what i cant do
I leave them all to guess
Ill do it my way anyway
Thats the secret of my success

C I wont ever let them get me down
I’ll continue to progress
Im bold and strong and confident
Thats the secret of my success

V if i believed all that i read
Or even acquiesce
But i believe in my own strength
Thats the secret of my success


V Im self contained and confident
All issues i’ll address
I take all problems head on
Thats the secret of my success

C I wont ever let them get me down
I’ll continue to progress
Im bold and strong and confident
Thats the secret of my success

V I don’t keep things inside of me
My feeling i Express
I tell people how i feel
Thats the secret of my success

V Im happy being who i am
I better not digress
Im i want to fight the good fight
Thats the secret of my success

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