Are you ready to dress up?

There is a moment in-between wearing your new clothes, and leaving your old clothes on the floor, where you are naked. It is a good thing because you don’t want to ruin the celebration that’s coming!

Recently I’ve had the 99 block of ‘Snakes and Ladders’ in my head: you know the one with the snake that strips you of your height and brings you back to block 2.

Now I have tried to figure out how #2 is a good thing/situation to be in… I think it’s because you get rid of all the excess and don’t collect as much stuff around you that you don’t need on your second rise to the top. To be mindful, smell the roses, appreciate people, stop and listen to the “I’m well, thank you”-answer…

I think that #99/#2 block combination gives you a second chance to do it all over again but more mindful, in the moment and balanced. What’s the rush for 100 anyway because then it’s game over while all the good people are still playing the game?

It is a second breath to check if ‘I’m okay’ for the race and doing what I’m supposed to be doing and not just carrying the load to 99…

So I think stripped is ok if you don’t buy real estate there and keep rolling for the future you are ready to dress for.

Sr. Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch
Singer-Songwriter, Professional Nurse, Inspirational Speaker
“Find Your Purpose And Run With It”
[email protected]
083 767 2701
Womanonfire_1 instagram

>#JazzFridays is on! Some people said they’ll be there every four of the Fridays 5-6pm in November. Well don’t let me stop you- it’s good music! Winston Siljeur is bringing his band. The reason I chose the Old Bloemhof School is because they’s always had a vibe at the Woordfees(also known as the Plataankafee) Tickets at
>The picture is Marthinusss’ version of a summer jazz vibe(tip: you can share it… somebody said”There must be a vibe…” well – YOU are the vibe… I’m going to be singing…)
>Footcare as usual. Expect some conversations on the ‘Friendship bench’ run by grannies and ‘Save the World’ stuff: one community at a time and of course some Jazz tunes…
>KEEP THE DATE 7 Dec: #Afrikaans #SonderGrense, Die Bôrdienghuis, Wellington with Bram Potgieter. Of all the muso’s in the World he knows me the best: he has seen it all: the craziest, saddest, happiest days of them all. Love playing with the master! Bookings
>KEEP THE DATE 24 Nov Lucit Restaurant & Theatre, Pretoria, Gauteng(It’s lunch with music: who knows what could happen behind a grand piano like that!)
>Suzette Kruger- my WordPress guru- says you should check out my website and give us recommendations. Trying to make it clutter free and user-friendly but I don’t know- I’m a Gemini…
> The Song of the week is the first song Tony(Australia)and I co-wrote.

The Secret of my Success
lyrics @coolparadiso

V I might not be the best there is
Nor every skill possess
But I’m sure don’t lack the confidence
Thats the secret of my success

V They tell me what i cant do
I leave them all to guess
Ill do it my way anyway
Thats the secret of my success

C I wont ever let them get me down
I’ll continue to progress
Im bold and strong and confident
Thats the secret of my success

V if i believed all that i read
Or even acquiesce
But i believe in my own strength
Thats the secret of my success


V Im self contained and confident
All issues i’ll address
I take all problems head on
Thats the secret of my success

C I wont ever let them get me down
I’ll continue to progress
Im bold and strong and confident
Thats the secret of my success

V I don’t keep things inside of me
My feeling i Express
I tell people how i feel
Thats the secret of my success

V Im happy being who i am
I better not digress
Im i want to fight the good fight
Thats the secret of my success

The Secret of my success -Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch-Woman On Fire

It takes a village, Domino

But how big is the village?
I recently stumbled across the Dunbar Rule of 150. I was trying to visualize how big a crowd of 150 would look like(the number of people I want to attend the Jazz Fridays: first four Fridays in November 5-6pm is showtime- now you know)
So I googled it: what does 150 people look like?… to discover it’s a RULE?!

Robin Dunbar is a British anthropologist and he did some research and figured it out: an effective village/social sizable network is limited to 150 members!
He refers to it as how many people you will be comfortable to spend time with and narrows it down to:

5 people you spend 40% of your time with,
10 people you spend 20% of your time with and
135 people you spend 40% of your time with.

This to me was eye opening?! This means you inner core of 5+10 people are pretty important. And my hope is that they would be a positive influence…

Friends came over recently with their younger children and seeing that I have given away all the good toys we were left with dominoes… did they ever have fun! Building a line-up and to great delight knocking over the first dominoe for the rest to krrrrrrrrr…follow…

But see- that’s the problem. If you have everybody in the village building a line-up of resources and positive energy you just need(don’t need)one person with an overactive finger to make it tumble and then you have to start all over again.

To me this means deep breathing and listening to myself and the 150 I allow around me: to make sure we are in the ‘building’ team and not the ‘tumbling’ team.
In South Africa people are our biggest resource- best to be aware of that and support the efforts to create the village you want to live in.

So my question to you is: are you one of the 150×4 JAZZ Friday’s villagers who are KEEPING THE DATE to join us in November? We are starting something culturally amazing in Stellenbosch: I hope it becomes so inspirational that you will see more music, more culture at your next favorite venue/restaurant/home celebration.

Music will remind you of the days you were…>insert important emotion here


Sr. Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch
Singer-Songwriter, Professional Nurse, Inspirational Speaker
“Find Your Purpose And Run With It”
[email protected]
083 767 2701
Womanonfire_1 instagram
>Foot Care as usual: you’ll hear about some interesting ways how seniors can solve depression through friendship benches in Zimbabwe. Love your neighbor- and listen to them too…
>In the picture is Spike, our Hungarian Viszla attending a #Tiny #HouseConcert held by myself and Winston Siljeur. BUY tickets for our Jazz show by clicking on link below(or I can deliver it to your front door- 150 ppl can’t live very far, eh?) Picnic Boxes are also available- bring your own wine…
>Finished with FiftyNinety(songwriting challenge). You can view the playlist of bicycle zongs here=> *I have decided to shift my focus from songwriting now to singing/performing.
>Our family will be visiting Vancouver, Canada 20 Dec ’19 to 10 Jan ‘20. I am planning/open to #HouseConcerts. Admin will happen once I finish my final Psychology exam 29 October. jean finished matric exams 6 November.
>Thank You Marthinusss for the great Jazz Friday poster design.
>The song of the week is something very contagious. Starts with an L… I wrote it for my husband while waiting for him to join us on holiday.

The Dance

V1: I thought you’d never ask me XX
I thought you’d never tell me
I thought you’d never love me
But here you are!

V2: So come a little closer XX
Is this just an emotion? XX
Oh show me your devotion XX
Yes, here you are!

Chorus: We can dance until the moonlight catch our hair
and set the night on fire
We can dance until the stars are in your eyes
And I can see I am your true desire

Bridge: You, my love, you’re the fire
that I keep deep inside
You’re the whisper I hear late at night
will you always be mine?
Let’s dance, my love
Until the fire that we keep deep inside
Becomes the passion of one night’s desire
Will you please just be mine?

The ohdannyboy-factor

Music etches your life like streetlamps next to the road. It lights up your past in moments and guides you along just far enough for now. You cannot listen to music in future tense. It is only now.

I have recently been asked by a friend -how long have you been doing music, I was looking for you on Spotify and I got lost in the list…?
I know… my brother says I’ve maxed out iTunes. So I thought I would clarify my highway of songs and music productions.

It’s easy.
My grandmother Ouma Marthie raised me on Afrikaans folk songs, my dad continued the tradition and here I am chipping away at it too(I am just leaving a trail of song crumbs behind! It started because I could not remember the words to my favorite songs…and started recording them to remember)(Sing Afrikaans 1-7)

I started songwriting on my Ouma Marthie’s piano(it is featured in many songs including the first false about the piano that developed from overuse). My roads crossed Heilbron, Newcastle, London, Oxford, Stellenbosch, Paris, Canada(Saskatchewan, British Columbia)… I became quite a traveller with a suitcase stuffed with songs.(Stoot die blêddie bus/London, A South African woman in Saskatchewan, One Sky- a year of living in British Columbia, Twee tasse en n Paspoort, Drink hulle tee in Kanada?)

In-between the meandering miles my heart was broken, love found many times in fellow-travelers strangers, friends, family. Life is all about relationships right?! Hello-and-goodbye stuff.

I don’t really like writing songs just about romantic love- what else can be added? But if you insist: Wag vir Reën.

Then came the let’s-solve-the-problem phase: it started with my first song about germs in my first year nursing and evolved into a mountain of music: HIV, TB, Cancer, Diabetes, Women and children, migration, bullying, road safety, addictions, lice… I think the only thing I haven’t written a song about yet is Hypertension…#ItWontBeLong. (Life is a Gift- the Neal Stacey TB story, Kommagas se mense/Namakwaland- for Danneline Ramsden, Agterossies in die kraal-Voortrekkers)

Then came the Erik Erikson’s development stages: a production for every age group… because I hang out in many senior’s homes I wanted to sing the songs they would enjoy and this lead to senior’s shows and senior productions: from ‘Trein na Pretoria’ to ‘Oh Danny Boy’ songs squeezed in with jazz in-between. (#Afrikaans #Sonder Grense, Blessed Assurance, Jazz)

For the children I systematically paged through their challenges to come up with educational stories and music(Ek is Spesiaal, Boelie… most songs have only been heard sporadically to light up the need and moment of the day)

Christmas? Covered that too…(Geseënde Kersfees/Somer Kersfees, busy working on Are you ready for Christmas?)

I did some trophy-hunting with productions meant for certain purposes like ‘Verweerskrif’ to get in for the Woordfees, ‘Godsbesluit’ for RSG- not all my attempts were as successful…

I did collaborations in singing we are still having fun and evolving it(Think Music, Born in Africa, Boelie)

The big whistle production for me was ‘Woman on Fire’: I like to use Bible stories as backdrops to many songs but this one was just plain Christian religious songs.

All of my music has not been released yet. I collaborate with songwriters across the World and they have become my best friends in music. Together we have combed through the landscape of life and emotions with a tweezer, weighed the tears and celebrated the odd days.
The rest of it is thematically productions as life grows you lemons(Hy Leef Paasfees, ‘Babylon the end of the World as we know it, I will always be you hot/fat wife baby, Knock! knock the skeleton’s journey back to life, Inspekteur Koekemoer en die Pampoetertjie, Hitman, Hooglied Bokkie, Tao Te Ching, Songs for Sutherland, Book Ninja, Mathematics, Telling Time, Abnormal Psychology…) you can never be done when you are a songwriter!

Now I am scratching in the attic to dust off Ouma Marthie and Oupa Louis songs to tell their love story and how growing up bare foot and free has molded me and my life’s journey. I like ‘Katjiepiering en Anys’ because it features real life heroes like my granddad.

So I invite you to get lost in my forest of zongs(new baby songs- I call them ‘bicycle songs’), songs(the rolls royce songs with musical arrangements that will take you to Disney World) or just me walking down the road, crossing your path and leaving you with a hook: these days it is ‘Summertime’ because I am working on my November Jazz Friday Shows with Winston Siljeur- just cover songs(you have to learn from the best trailblazers of the past #ClimEveryMountain)

Your fellow-time-traveler
Sr. Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch
Singer-Songwriter, Professional Nurse, Inspirational Speaker
“Find Your Purpose And Run With It”
[email protected]
083 767 2701
Womanonfire_1 instagram

>In the picture is the youth who can light up your future with musical moments at the Endler this Saturday. Bring your goosebumps and a big exhale- it will be a streetlight to remember.
>Jazz Fridays! First 4 Fridays in November in Stellenbosch(US Museum- the Red building in Van Ryneveld str- you can’t miss it!). Tickets available at quicket- link below.
>People have been asking: yes we do small and big gigs for your special event or normal Saturday. Yes, you can come surprise us with your talent: we will do open mic opportunities at the end of the show. The venue is available beyond 5-6pm. If there is people, there is a party. You can preorder your ‘Picnic in a Box’ via the link too. Wine? It’s Stellenbosch- bring your own(no corkage)
>Thank you Marthinusss for the poster design for Jazz Fridays- you have captured summer beautifully!
>I will leave you with my Spotify-get-lost-successfully-link…

Taller than Life

Let me introduce you to my friend Lidia I see once a year for coffee(In the picture with me). We live and work in basically the same town. When we do see each other we talk about the ‘unspeakables’… this includes diabetes, woundcare, colostomies and homecare. The best move is to keep your phone off because all of these have graphic details stored in the photo albums on each of our phones. This is how we communicate- “Can you see this patient today?” And a picture communicates a thousand words… the patient is seen the same day.

To me that is what real nursing is about- you don’t have to do much explaining- there is just that ‘knowing’ that what is important get’s done quickly, efficiently and with care.

When a fellow nurse tells you it is raining outside- you don’t have to go check- you know it’s raining outside.

Sr. Lidia Krijt is the braver one: she runs a Home Care Service, employing hand picked home care workers(#jobcreation yay!) and oversees their work. This gets me excited because the more foot care I do the more I realize people are staying independent longer and sometimes just needs care once a week, once a day, once ’for my home stay after surgery’: then I get the phone-call… can I help? Do I know somebody? The worst case scenario for me is a senior having a stranger enter their house and care for them without proper training or care management. People management is stressful and you want reliable care who will show up, do the right thing and become part of your circle of trust. Lidia has done all that and as a team we have seen many legs saved. Anything else? Is possible…

So if you phone me and ask for help- I will give you her number. Or you can find her here

Sr. Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch
Singer-Songwriter, Professional Nurse, Inspirational Speaker
“Find Your Purpose And Run With It”
[email protected]
083 767 2701
Womanonfire_1 instagram

>”Jazz Fridays” is happening in November at Stellenbosch Museum- it’s that red building in the middle of town that is jaw-dropping beautiful inside. We are going to be swinging in the courtyard outside. I can’t wait! Winston Siljeur is bringing his best musicians and if you haven’t heard him play you are in for a treat. I’m going to have to remember to sing something because sometimes I forget and just listen. Early Bird Tickets are for sale now until 18 October, we have Group Tickets and Student Tickets as well. You can bring your own food and drink or pre-order a “Picnic in a Box” from Paul Roos Spar. The button below will take you there…
>Thank you to Marthinusss for the great poster design for #JazzFridays- it has ‘fun and summer’ written all over it and that was exactly what I wanted!
>Foot Care as Usual- weekdays.
>I am working on shows #Afrikaans #Sonder Grense with Bram Potgieter for Wellington, Durbanville, Pretoria and Stellenbosch. If you are interested in hosting a #HouseConcert let me know.
>The song of the week is a weird one. I wrote it last year just before we got a new president. Everybody needs a lullaby, to be held and rocked with ‘Everything is going to be okay’.
Lullabye for Africa
Mamma hears the babies cry
And she rocks you
Yes she will rock you
Mamma hears the daddies cry
And she will rock you
Yes she will rock you

Who needs a lullaby
When the world has gone crazy
The king knows there’s no money left
to give him

Mamma hears the babies cry
And she rocks you
Yes she will rock you
Mamma hears the daddies cry
And she will rock you
Yes she will rock you

You know the roof leeks
When it’s raining
And when the sun is shining down
It’s baking

Mamma hears the babies cry
And she rocks you
Yes she will rock you
Mamma hears the daddies cry
And she will rock you
Yes she will rock you

Who will make the babies tears dry up?
Who will bring a smile to a daddy’s face?
When the day comes we all will celebrate
Because they say a saviour- he is gonna come now- any day.

Come-come tomorrow/We are all waiting
Come-come tomorrow/While our hearts are aching

Mamma hears the babies cry/ And she rocks you
Yes she will rock you/ Mamma hears the daddies cry
And she will rock you/Yes she will rock you

Link to song… Lullabye for Africa-Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch-Woman On Fire

100 years of being a Woman in South Africa

“If I knew to honor your mother and father would really get me to 100, I would have reconsidered… my sister, who also became 100, agreed…”
It is not difficult to discover the secret behind her century: she is positive, open minded, inquisitive and deeply connected in her relationships with her family and care-givers. Life to her is still an adventure to be discovered. It takes her 2 days to finish a novel: big print because she doesn’t want to miss a thing…
I think some people call it ‘living in the moment’ and never losing your sense of wonder. I recently read that pain teaches you just this: to live in the moment. Not to get stuck in yesterday’s regrets or run ahead to tomorrow’s challenges. The present.
Reminds me of the puff adder I came across the other day on my daily Viszla walk. Typing on your phone while walking in the wild is probably not a great idea. Luckily the snake and I departed ways with a hiss and a slide: yes it is important to smell the roses(because then you also spot the pedestrians who want to pass you by). My forestry fundi patient says: just don’t look an adder in the eyes and let them be: they can go for months without food. #LuckyMe

Doing Psychology 3 has been a challenge for me: not just because of the academics but because of the content: it’s like digging up old cows. I literally have to decide which day I feel like being depressed about the legacy of Apartheid and which day I want to be depressed about finding the meaning of life. A bit like #DinosourSkeletonHunting. But man- if you can stand on top of it all and create meaning and a legacy- THAT would be worth the 100! Practice makes perfect.

Winston Siljeur and I are busy working on #TinyConcerts (meant for small group of friends audience members) and “Katjiepiering en Anys”. We are also booked for #JazzFridays the first 4 Fridays in November 5-6 so KEEP THE DATE for your year end functions. It will happen in Stellenbosch Museum(Old Bloemhof School/Plataankafee)

Bram Potgieter and I will be traveling a bit with a #Bram&Marthie show from Stellenbosch, Wellington, Durbanville, Johannesburg and Pretoria. If there is anybody in this world that knows my music well, it is Bram. Now I am not sure if that is a good or a bad thing. But this is the moment I’ve been waiting for: Jean is finishing his grade 12 on 6 November and the house will be needing earplugs soon. Nell, my daughter, says luckily I can take a walk and practice in the forest #LuckyPuffAdders!

Sr. Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch
Singer-Songwriter, Professional Nurse, Inspirational Speaker
“Find Your Purpose And Run With It”
[email protected]
083 767 2701
Womanonfire_1 instagram
>In the picture is the lady who is a hundred years old. She inspires me every time I see her with her zest for life
>Footcare as usual weekdays: expect jazz and Afrikaans cover songs.
>Song of the week is actually the Jazz album I released last year with my favorite songs on it. The reason I love it is because it is just piano and voice: my dad always said if you can sing a cappella you get the first prize- but with just piano(Bram) is close second. It is a challenge though because there is nothing to hide behind… De Wet van der Spuy mixed and mastered the album: that’s like adding a tease and hairspray to the perfect wedding-hairstyle!

The Jealous Bunion of Footsie

Yes, I wanted to write how your grandmothers bunion becomes your mother’s bunion and then your bunion: in the battle of the toes the bunion always wins and your little toe is left with a callus…

Not everybody needs or opts for surgery making inventive ways of living with it a challenge- like toe spreaders, leather expanders and some elastic band exercises. It helps when you know the bones in your feet move around as you age and rest your body on them. The same shoe won’t fit the same way next year or the year after. Exciting stuff I know!

I am studying for my second last Psychology test/exam tomorrow. I am not sure how much information I will still be able to successfully fit in my head but while we wait and see I thought I would share the newest video Winston and I made of a song Anton Goosen wrote. I decided I am going to be brave and do some drumming! Seeing that I only have one piano and Winston is playing it: the Lady Piano has been giving him F-problems and strong overtones🙄.

So tell us what you think! Hopefully next time I will have news and booking information on #FridaysJazz in Stellenbosch at the Sasol Museum 1,8,15,21 November so #KeepTheDate(Plataan Cafe location, Woordfees). We really need to kick the culture scene up a notch in Stellenbosch… Hey- if you want to make some suggestions about jazz standards that should be on the playlist, musicians who want to jump in, round tables/squares/rectangles, chairs, food and drink- let me know!

Sr. Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch
Singer-Songwriter, Professional Nurse, Inspirational Speaker
“Find Your Purpose And Run With It”
[email protected]
083 767 2701
Womanonfire_1 instagram

>The picture is flowers I came across walking our dog Spike- the Hungarian Viszla: I did not want to add a face to the bunion-story…
>Footcare as usual weekdays: expect conversations on Group therapy and Bully songs for grade 7’s…
>Did indeed write a song(5090’s still on: 53 songs) about Chommie-Chommie vs bullying and perform it at Paulus Joubert Primary on Thursday. The headmaster joined in 🙂 Chommie Chommie-Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch-Woman On Fire
>You can buy “Life is a gift” song online: The Neal Stacey story of his journey with TB. #TBMustFall
>And the Anton Goosen song: “Beste Henry”. Click button below. Winston Siljeur is playing and you may book him here: [email protected] /073 124 2426 (He is a bit like me: always up to something!)

When Busy Women Pause

I am so super excited I don’t know where to start… ‘Winston and Marthie’ Live Friday Sessions: we are singing Afrikaans cover songs while we wait to see if ‘Katjiepiering & Anys’ has been approved for the Woordfees(who says waiting can’t be fun?), ‘the Neal Stacey Story’ song about his journey with TB is dropping(being released) as soon as I find my way to wifi
And it’s raining in Stellenbosch: Day Zero has become something we talk about fondly in past tense(and we have a new respect for water and understanding for buckets).

“A woman’s highest calling is to lead a man to his soul so as to unite him with source.
A man’s highest calling is to protect women so she is free to walk the Earth unharmed.”

I do not know the source of this quote but I like it. It reminds me of my sister saying a ‘dad gives you wings’. Why am I going on about men when it is women’s day tomorrow? Because… I do not want to live in a world with just women. I want to live in a world where there is balance and harmony. This is something you can not achieve when somebody is made to sit in the corner vs making a difference on the playing field.
Suddenly a ballerina comes to mind: ballerinas are not made for heavy lifting but do they ever inspire us to higher things with their beauty and grace when they are lifted by gentle strong hands! Encore…

We are interdependent and can only become powerful when we are allowed the space, time and grace to spread our wings and fly. It’s a wind beneath your wings thing.
I have sung at many women’s events and I know women insist on their spiritual- and life-partners to join them at the table of success around a #family forming the foundation for #children to flourish in and #society to benefit from.

And I am learning a lot from my Community Psychology research: they say men live longer(and are less depressed) when they have a life partner to complain to! So buy the earplugs, a bottle of wine and celebrate the end of the rant because these are the days of our lives!

Sr. Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch
Singer-Songwriter, Professional Nurse, Inspirational Speaker
“Find Your Purpose And Run With It”
[email protected]
083 767 2701
Womanonfire_1 instagram

>In the picture at Nude Coffeehouse, Eikestad Mall, Stellenbosch all local women: Greteli Fincham(actress), Leatitia Solomons(actress), Ronelle le Roux(Eikestad Mall marketing manager), me, Liesel Muller(Feeding in Action), Abigail Kwaza(Help a Girl), Elbè van Heerden(journalist). Thank You! We got spoiled rotten with girly stuff by the Eikestad Mall for “Celebrate Women of Stellenbosch”. Tomorrow is your turn to spoil somebody you are inspired by…
>Foot Care as usual: School hours.(Expect a mini lecture on Bonfenbrenner’s theory on Community Psychology or Coenie de Villiers’ Karoonag cover song- At last I know the lyrics now!)
> If you want to hear the better live version of Coenie de Villiers’ “Karoonag”(and subscribe to Winston’s YouTube channel)
>The passionate ladies from #SaveTheSheep #Sutherland upgraded our draught song to a video with images. You can watch and support their efforts here. ‘Mag ek smeek vir reën o Heer’
>’Fifty songs in Ninety days’ are still ongoing- sporting new Afrikaans songs like ‘Ching, Ching, Ching’, ‘Komma in, Komma in’ and ‘Ek dink daar’s Eelte op die Maan’. 5090 2019
>#SpeakAfrikaansEasily are growing new viewers who want to learn Afrikaans as a second language on #MondaysWithMarthie. I am using all my recorded folk songs as learning material: and even I am surprised how handy it is!
>Best for last🎶… The #TBMustFall song… ‘Life is a Gift: The Neal Stacey Story’


Life-To be free again!
Life- is a gift again!
You can guard it
But it’s not yours.

Verse 1.There were days- when it was a struggle just to breathe.
There were days- I had to struggle with disease.
There were days- when I wanted it all to end.
There were days- when I was ready to give in.


Verse 2. When you walk with the road- you’re travelling.
When you run with the road- you have chosen.
When you cycle with the road- just rolling.
You know it’s a journey that will end soon.

Chorus: We can all be heroes- To be free again!
Heroes-Life is a gift-
Heroes-You can guard it
but it’s not yours.
Life is a gift- Share it


Bridge: Hope- is a person who holds your hand- when you are tired of walking alone.
Hope- is the companion who carries you through- the darkest hours.
Hope- is the voice who encourages- when it feels like…endless
Hope- rolls on when you know, you know there are more places for you to go…
More people to inspire, More people to teach
As to where their limits are, tuberculosis has made a hero out of me…

Chorus: We can all be heroes- To be free again!
Heroes-Life is a gift
Heroes-You can guard it
but it’s not yours.

Life is a gift- Share it.
Coda: Life is a gift- Share it.
Life is a gift- Share it…

No Strings Attached

What if what you saw was only half of what is true.

The thing is with problems-they never go away. They grow new ones and then you have to be thankful for them because this year’s problems are not the same as last years problems. It is different problems… Last year you were dreaming of having the problems you have today. Sometimes progress happens in such small increments that you hardly notice. Yes you can say that the problems you have are REALLY BIG problems compared to last years problems but you never know until the story is complete whether that was true or not.

Last year I worried about studying Psychology 3 and this year I am worrying about passing Psychology3… and I am halfway. I must say I cranked it up a notch because the lecturer checked with me “You know you already attended this lecture this morning?”(I always sit at the front…) “Yes, I know…” I need to finish strong… hoping to get into honors: next year’s new problems! #ICantWait

Did I tell you about my research on Learned Helplessness recently? It’s like the elephant that stays chained with a piece of skinny rope because it has been successfully trained that way #allInTheMind until you teach the elephant to use his frontal lobes and break the rope. With passion and perseverance it can be done #grit. Martin Steligman is the guy who braingineered it.
Positive psychology studies proved you can live 7,5 years longer with being positive boiling down to having hope and being thankful. Reminds me a bit of good old religion(they just took the Heroes out of the story)I shared the ‘live longer’ fact with a client and she paused for a bit and then said: “What if I don’t want to live 7,5 years longer? I’m ninety…”

Sr. Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch
Singer-Songwriter, Professional Nurse, Inspirational Speaker
“Find Your Purpose And Run With It”
[email protected]
083 767 2701
Womanonfire_1 instagram
>Foot Care as usual. Weekdays, School Hours. This time of the year I see birthday-feet who like to stay in bed.
>In the Photo with me are Petro Diamond, Margaret Hirsch, Dolla Junius and Fay. We were attending the Women Of Worth monthly event. Inspiration and trailblazing is what happens there! My daughter Nell says she thinks I found my twins… Women with passion in one space.
>Friday Tiny Concerts with Winston Siljeur are happening- follow me on social media to know when the next one is: in today’s show we performed “Karoonag”(Coenie de Villiers) We are hoping to invite guest artists and audience members next time.
>my FiftySongsInNinetyDays’ progress you can follow on YouTube(themes are: Tao Te Ching, SaveTheSheep, ‘Hooglied, Bokkie’ and collabs- one is a Nazi song in 5 time measure!)
>Song of the week(or is it month?) is a farmers wife’s words I put to music just last week. “may I beg for rain O God, sorry for asking again…” And you know music can be powerful because… it snowed over the weekend in Sutherland making this a #Rainmaker song for a draught stricken landscape! The author wants to stay anonymous.
You can follow their facebook page and support their amazing efforts to keep their food industries- and people that run them- alive. If you want to contribute this is their information(or you can buy a song or ringtone in the bandcamp shop link below). *Save the Sheep NPC*
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🎶Mag ek smeek vir reën o Heer🎶
(Sutherland Anoniem)

Die son kom op, steeds op sy plek
Die maan ook, elke keer
Die voëltjies praat nog, weemoed gerek…
Die stiltes raak al meer…

‘n Steenbok langs die pad verwese
Sy veglus daarmee heen
Ons staar hom aan, deel in sy vrese
Wens ons kon druppels leen..

Koor: Mag ek smeek vir reën o Heer
Ekskuus dat ek weer vra
Wat ons kan offer raak min nou Heer
Dis net U wat ons kan dra

Ons hoop is al so dun geskuur
Ons soebat al so lank
Hoe lank gaan hierdie smart nog duur
Ons siele loop al mank

Van oraloor kom hulp o Heer
‘n Smeekroep weer gehoor
Ons moet U wil nog leer o Heer
Ons twyfel nog verloor

Koor: Mag ek smeek vir reën o Heer
Ekskuus dat ek weer vra
Wat ons kan offer raak min nou Heer
Dis net U wat ons kan dra.

Make your lemon smile

I have lot’s of them: in-fact too many… lemons. And I think God knows my green fingers are challenged because ever so often he scoots a couple of lemons out of the tree so I would notice it. It is time to take the lemon home and make something with it.

Limoncello. I once flew half a bottle of limoncello from Montreal to Maple Ridge on a 8 hour flight. It was worth it.
These past weeks I tried to make my own limoncello: the catch(there is always a catch…) it takes more than a week to make: 3 weeks to be precise. It has to sit on the counter for 1 week developing flavors and it cost me some skin and nails peeling, grating and sitting in one spot preparing the little yellow beasts. By the second week the glass shop was closed, I wanted to buy my bottles from and I couldn’t find the recipe(the third one: I lost my other two copies in the shopping basket and who knows where the other one went…)

Found it… and now I have limoncello: 3 weeks later.
If only everything in life was as easy as making limoncello. I think it is the waiting bit that gets to me- every-time!
But I am getting better at it.

When I want to give up/not feel good enough/get excited- I know: if whatever it is, persists longer than a week THAT is a limoncello!
So- I try not to get too excited/depressed/or the next emotion and go deeper. Because the top of my emotions- like trees- catch the most wind and that is just no fun unless you are a kite.

When you hang out with the roots of the trees you can know that in time the right lemon will appear to celebrate… 3 weeks later. Cheers!

Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch
Singer-Songwriter, Registered Nurse, Inspirational Speaker
“Find Your Purpose And Run With It”
[email protected]
083 767 2701
Womanonfire_1 instagram
>Foot care as usual School hours
>The picture of the smiling lemon was taken in Monte Rosso, Italy and inspired my 9 lemon trees in my backyard. Might I add at the top of 5 sets of stone-stairs…
>I am busy with Fifty Songs In Ninety days challenge if you want to follow. I am working on Tao Te Ching, Hooglied Bokkie and Positive Psychology themes. 5090 2019
>Song Of The week is “Hasie hoekom is jou stert so kort”(Rabbit why is your tail so short? I know- don’t ask I did not write it- it sold more than 10 000 singles though!) It is well known in Afrikaans written by Anton de Waal aka George Gun(They changed his name because they did not think people would like Afrikaans words written by an English sounding name) and Nico Carstens(He set it to music for fun as a joke: they were golf partners) and what makes it unique is the collection of Afrikaans words: it gets me every-time… I can’t remember it. But what I can tell you it is the only song I have ever recorded with a lemon in it! El Debbo made it famous- he was a comedian turned singer: he himself dis not even know he could sing! It just shows you when somebody wriggles you out of your lemon-tree what can happen…

It is like shaking hands with the World

What better place to start a conversation about Africa than in Africa in a room somewhere in Stellenbosch at the Stellenbosch Academy of Design and Photography? Where you reach out and touch Maputo, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Canada, Australia and even Mexico to just name a few on a Tuesday night in June.

And the message is clear: collaboration is something of the future. The challenge is finding new ways to work together and doing it in true African style. Deciding what that means and how to live it. Sharing it with the World: the identity of Africa. That is next level stuff.

And giving Africa the confidence to flaunt her colors and culture to a World who has become a bit bland with too much of the same thing everywhere…

This is where the future lies: in the hands of people who are brave enough to discover their own voice, listen to the silence of their own hearts and moving ahead to new frontiers of living 360 degrees in harmony with a new World: the way we designed it.

If you want to check out how Barbara Fassler and her team of visionaries engineers the future through arts you should keep an eye on it here …

Sr. Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch
Singer-Songwriter, Professional Nurse, Inspirational Speaker
“Find Your Purpose And Run With It”
[email protected]
083 767 2701
Womanonfire_1 instagram
>Diabetic education and support for Stroke patients has been more on my list recently then footcare: although that is where it all starts … #Footcare
>I recently released a new album “Boelie” and Video with Afrikaans Ruk for children. Fingers crossed as we entered it for the Woordfees. This is the year I am learning how to move it on a new beat #Rappin
>Collaborating with Winston Siljeur on a new production “Katjiepiering en Anys”. He is a whizz in the piano, you’ll see.
>Song for the week is a cover “My African Dream” I roughly recorded with Vinny-Chantell Ortell as part of a Think Music production. It did not make the final cut though. If you are interested in what did make it onto the album here is the link It was produced by seven time SAMA winner Peter Pearlson.