100 years of being a Woman in South Africa

“If I knew to honor your mother and father would really get me to 100, I would have reconsidered… my sister, who also became 100, agreed…”
It is not difficult to discover the secret behind her century: she is positive, open minded, inquisitive and deeply connected in her relationships with her family and care-givers. Life to her is still an adventure to be discovered. It takes her 2 days to finish a novel: big print because she doesn’t want to miss a thing…
I think some people call it ‘living in the moment’ and never losing your sense of wonder. I recently read that pain teaches you just this: to live in the moment. Not to get stuck in yesterday’s regrets or run ahead to tomorrow’s challenges. The present.
Reminds me of the puff adder I came across the other day on my daily Viszla walk. Typing on your phone while walking in the wild is probably not a great idea. Luckily the snake and I departed ways with a hiss and a slide: yes it is important to smell the roses(because then you also spot the pedestrians who want to pass you by). My forestry fundi patient says: just don’t look an adder in the eyes and let them be: they can go for months without food. #LuckyMe

Doing Psychology 3 has been a challenge for me: not just because of the academics but because of the content: it’s like digging up old cows. I literally have to decide which day I feel like being depressed about the legacy of Apartheid and which day I want to be depressed about finding the meaning of life. A bit like #DinosourSkeletonHunting. But man- if you can stand on top of it all and create meaning and a legacy- THAT would be worth the 100! Practice makes perfect.

Winston Siljeur and I are busy working on #TinyConcerts (meant for small group of friends audience members) and “Katjiepiering en Anys”. We are also booked for #JazzFridays the first 4 Fridays in November 5-6 so KEEP THE DATE for your year end functions. It will happen in Stellenbosch Museum(Old Bloemhof School/Plataankafee)

Bram Potgieter and I will be traveling a bit with a #Bram&Marthie show from Stellenbosch, Wellington, Durbanville, Johannesburg and Pretoria. If there is anybody in this world that knows my music well, it is Bram. Now I am not sure if that is a good or a bad thing. But this is the moment I’ve been waiting for: Jean is finishing his grade 12 on 6 November and the house will be needing earplugs soon. Nell, my daughter, says luckily I can take a walk and practice in the forest #LuckyPuffAdders!

Sr. Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch
Singer-Songwriter, Professional Nurse, Inspirational Speaker
“Find Your Purpose And Run With It”
[email protected]
083 767 2701
Womanonfire_1 instagram
#MondaysWithMarthie: goo.gl/9vbmfc
>In the picture is the lady who is a hundred years old. She inspires me every time I see her with her zest for life
>Footcare as usual weekdays: expect jazz and Afrikaans cover songs.
>Song of the week is actually the Jazz album I released last year with my favorite songs on it. The reason I love it is because it is just piano and voice: my dad always said if you can sing a cappella you get the first prize- but with just piano(Bram) is close second. It is a challenge though because there is nothing to hide behind… De Wet van der Spuy mixed and mastered the album: that’s like adding a tease and hairspray to the perfect wedding-hairstyle!

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