Are you ready to dress up?

There is a moment in-between wearing your new clothes, and leaving your old clothes on the floor, where you are naked. It is a good thing because you don’t want to ruin the celebration that’s coming! Recently I’ve had the 99 block of ‘Snakes and Ladders’ in my head: you know the one with the […]

It takes a village, Domino

But how big is the village?5…10…150…?I recently stumbled across the Dunbar Rule of 150. I was trying to visualize how big a crowd of 150 would look like(the number of people I want to attend the Jazz Fridays: first four Fridays in November 5-6pm is showtime- now you know)So I googled it: what does 150 […]

The ohdannyboy-factor

Music etches your life like streetlamps next to the road. It lights up your past in moments and guides you along just far enough for now. You cannot listen to music in future tense. It is only now. I have recently been asked by a friend -how long have you been doing music, I was […]

Taller than Life

Let me introduce you to my friend Lidia I see once a year for coffee(In the picture with me). We live and work in basically the same town. When we do see each other we talk about the ‘unspeakables’… this includes diabetes, woundcare, colostomies and homecare. The best move is to keep your phone off […]

100 years of being a Woman in South Africa

“If I knew to honor your mother and father would really get me to 100, I would have reconsidered… my sister, who also became 100, agreed…”It is not difficult to discover the secret behind her century: she is positive, open minded, inquisitive and deeply connected in her relationships with her family and care-givers. Life to […]

The Jealous Bunion of Footsie

Yes, I wanted to write how your grandmothers bunion becomes your mother’s bunion and then your bunion: in the battle of the toes the bunion always wins and your little toe is left with a callus… Not everybody needs or opts for surgery making inventive ways of living with it a challenge- like toe spreaders, […]

When Busy Women Pause

I am so super excited I don’t know where to start… ‘Winston and Marthie’ Live Friday Sessions: we are singing Afrikaans cover songs while we wait to see if ‘Katjiepiering & Anys’ has been approved for the Woordfees(who says waiting can’t be fun?), ‘the Neal Stacey Story’ song about his journey with TB is dropping(being […]

No Strings Attached

What if what you saw was only half of what is true. The thing is with problems-they never go away. They grow new ones and then you have to be thankful for them because this year’s problems are not the same as last years problems. It is different problems… Last year you were dreaming of […]

Make your lemon smile

I have lot’s of them: in-fact too many… lemons. And I think God knows my green fingers are challenged because ever so often he scoots a couple of lemons out of the tree so I would notice it. It is time to take the lemon home and make something with it. Limoncello. I once flew […]

It is like shaking hands with the World

What better place to start a conversation about Africa than in Africa in a room somewhere in Stellenbosch at the Stellenbosch Academy of Design and Photography? Where you reach out and touch Maputo, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Canada, Australia and even Mexico to just name a few on a Tuesday night in June. And the message is […]