There’s always a mountain. Wire?

There is always a mountain… or a long passage way with an end you don’t know if it should be your destination.

Today I found out that that foreign territory is somebody else’s every day life and comfort zone. If you give it(or them) a chance there is always a good samaritan who will point you in the direction of the exit back to your own comfort zone destination. (I visited somebody in the biggest hospital in the world: Groote Schuur)

Then I want to ask myself: Is it a good thing? The comfort zone? This is the year of
🐣”Eggspectation: boil it or hatch it”🐣
(I always pick a theme for my year- it makes it much more fun) and a quote that has been catching my eye is “Live authentic”. Actually I got it off my handbag logo and I thought it is pretty neat: be true to yourself and don’t carry any excess luggage with you- maybe not even a handbag mmm…

How did my trip in Canada go? well I saw amazing old friends, made great new ones and even fitted in a couple of #HouseConcerts! But most of all I can say that people who live in Canada are the same as people who live next door: they smile, they hug, they care and they celebrate moments with you if you let them. The weather and daylight is the only difference. (Let’s not talk about jetlag, ok?)

We arrived in Vancouver and had wonderful sunny winter days-7:30 to 16:30, wet ones with pouring rain and Hollywood lights reflecting off the streets and the last day was the cherry on top with the first snow touching base creating a Winter Wonderland and luckily no shoveling needed.
Thank you for making our Canadian visit Unforgetable! Now let’s get back to sunshine and 38C living!

>In the picture is the Golden Ears Mountain: it was a bit like trying to take a picture of a rainbow- it kept moving further away and I just couldn’t find the perfect shot- so you will see it is ‘wired’!
>Foot Care as usual: Mon-Fri 8:00-16:00. Yes, the nurse is back!
>Upcoming events: working on ‘Katjiepiering en Anys’ with WInston Siljeur(It’s the story of my grandparents-who were married 67 years!) and “Hooglied Bokkie” with Bram Potgieter.(I just love love love this production: it makes me think of pop/classical/poetry/cabaret- definitely something that will stick in your head as a tune or as a theme), #OmmieTafelMetMarthie in March. Contemplating #JazzFridays/#HouseConcerts…
>Song of the week is “Watching over me”. This is a song that has had radio airplay and I hope you will enjoy it too: it is for the days when you need some help getting out of bed… 🙂
Watching over me

Why are you crying?
For you have a God in heaven
Why are you searching?
For His Spirit leads your way

I know it seems dark and cold
And the rain will fall
But there is a reason
For you to believe

Cause where there is chaos
He will bring peace
When life gets too noisy
He will bring calm ooh
When you’re just surviving
Let Him be the One
Oh won’t You show me?
My life has begun ooh

‘Cause You are the One who calls the shots
And You are the One who’s watching over me
Can’t you see?
And You have designed a life for me
That I just can’t wait to see!
To bring You glory, glory, glory
You are the One who’s watching over me.
You are the One who’s watching over me.

Hello Vancouver-Doing an autopsy on the year

What went right?
What went wrong?
What needs a second chance?(dream on…)

I really wanted to feel depressed and sorry for myself last week: ✔️how hard I work, ✔️how much stuff was still left to do and ✔️how I failed at what was important to me.
Then I started making a list starting from January and it did not take long before my suffer-list was overtaken by the grit-list? It was a wait-minute-watch-moment… bring the champagne…!

Me personally: I think to much focus is on what is yonder instead of taking the moment, catching up with your shadow and celebrating all the little things you have forgotten about while you were on your way to the other side of 2019.

Well, it is time to make the happy list, curl your toes and smile. You did it! You did it alone, you did it with other people, you did it in spite of other people. Make a list of you A+Team because you will be needing them in 2020 and tell them you value them- because it’s going to be a great year!

For 2020 I chose the theme of #Eggspectation: boil it or hatch it…🐣. I think it refers to starting from scratch and having potential. We’ll see how it develops.

And Merry Christmas! Eat the fruitcake and drink the Eggnog- I’ll see you in Vancouver this year. #Friends #Family

Sr. Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch
Singer-Songwriter, Professional Nurse, Inspirational Speaker
“Find Your Purpose And Run With It”
[email protected]
083 767 2701
Womanonfire_1 instagram
>FOOT CARE continues in 2020, 13 Jan.
>THE PICTURE: my favorite fly on the local bridge at Paul Roos Gymnasium School. Somebody had to take a picture of the masterpiece. I wish I knew who created it!
>RADIO AIRPLAY: Smeek vir reën/ I’m dreaming of a Christmas in Saskatchewan(I’ll share the songs to your favorite radiostation if they are not playing it already. Let me know if they do please)
>KEEP THE DATE: I am still tweaking it a bit buy the vision is#JazzFridays shows in March. And a couple of #KatjiepieringEnAnys shows.(The story about my grandparents’ 67 year together: what an adventure!) #OmmieTafelMetMarthie(that’s when I buy you wine/coffee and visit)
>THE SONG: I wanted to create more Summer Christmas songs celebrating the Southern Hemisphere’s weather: this was the first song for the album #SomerKersfees. In Africa we do salads and fit-flops(remember your suntan-lotion!)
🎶Can you write me a Christmas song?
Chorus: Can you write me a Christmas song?
With no snow just sunshine in it?
Will you write me a Christmas song
with bright kites and beach umbrellas?

When you write me your Christmas song.
With sandcastles and clear blue skies.
Make sure when you write that song.
Make sure that you are in it.

Bridge: We can have a big tree bring friends, bring family.
Tell our stories around the BBQ about the year gone by.
Celebrating the long awaited summer day
With salty waters, suntan-lotion, share the good times again.

Coda: Do you hear the Christmas song?
Just a simple summer-salad song
Do you hear the Christmas song?
Just a silly simple summer-salad Christmas song…

The La-La-Nurse Is Back

December is when everything falls in place. My year planner is laid out with holidays, crazy days and work. And I know I only use a day-planner Jan-Feb-March but it makes me feel my ducks are aligning.

I decided to share my one song that stood out as a duck not to be missed: ‘Twee Tasse en n paspoort’. It is a song of belonging: because one is found daily by people around you. This Christmas I will be back in Canada to shake hands with the people who walked the miles with me for ten years. Super excited about seeing snow- hey! I might just offer to shovel someone’s driveway… I still remember the day the neighbor across the road started building an igloo with his frontyard ice bricks collected from a Saskatchewan snow dump harvest. #TheseCanadiansAreCrazy #ThatsWhyILikeThem

This year I am thankful for all the people’s feet I was able to wash. Nursing has opened so many doors for me. Created opportunities to sing, write songs and learn from others and their life experiences. Wow what a journey it has been! And the music has gone beyond to places like Australia, Spain, Italy, England, America, Canada, South Africa… even Katmandu, Everest!

Sometimes just to sit and touch somebody’s feet is everything because it connects you with the world- THEIR world and it is all energy: molecules vibrating.

And as you know it is not over until the last high note is sung(and all the music goes digital): tomorrow is Gin & Jazz day at Die Bôrdienghuis, Wellington. I will be joined by Bram Potgieter and his band. We will be looking for Summer and rainbows. After that it all goes digital🎶.

Sr. Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch
Singer-Songwriter, Professional Nurse, Inspirational Speaker
“Find Your Purpose And Run With It”
[email protected]
083 767 2701
Womanonfire_1 instagram
>The Foot Care Nurse is on leave 20 Dec to 12 Jan. Back 13 Jan 2020.
>Gin and Jazz show at Wellington’s Die Bôrdienghuis 13 December. Book at
>Radio Airplay Suggestion for your local favorite radio station: (I can share it digitally with radio) 🎶‘I’m dreaming of a Christmas in Saskatchewan’ and 🎶‘Smeek vir reën’.
> If you feel like Christmas Music you can check out my album here Somer Kersfees ReMastered (I can’t promise you a White Christmas but at least you can listen at it at any temperature you like…)
> Twee tasse en ‘n paspoort –
The song I wrote when we were moving back to South Africa from Canada.
Vers1: Hier staan ek nou
Gebrei deur wind en weer en hande
Gereis oor seë en kontinente (instr)
Vers 3: Hier staan ek nou
Met twee tasse en ‘n paspoort
En ek wonder waar my hart hoort? (Instr)

Koor: Die mense wat aan my lyf klou
-Kom groei aan my vas
-Maak plek vir nog mense
-Voel of jy altyd hier was
Dan soek ek ‘n antwoord
-Is ek die –
verlore seun, verlore mens
Gevind deur jou?(Instr)

Vers 3: Hier staan ek nou
So gevorm deur my mense
Wat kom loop hier deur my lewe (instr)
Vers 4: Hier staan ek nou
Vetrek met taxis en `n vliegtuig
En dis vir jou wat ek vaarwel wuif (instr)
Brug: Nou bly jy in Duitsland
En Liezel in New Zealand
En ek bly in Kanada
en tussen ons is seë

Vers 5: Hier staan ek nou
So geanker deur my mense
Wat kom loop hier deur my lewe (instr)
Vers 6: Hier staan ek nou
Met twee tasse en ‘n paspoort
En ek wonder waar my hart hoort? (Instr)

Koor: Die mense wat aan my lyf klou
-Kom groei aan my vas
-Maak plek vir nog mense
-Voel of jy altyd hier was
Dan soek ek ‘n antwoord
-Is ek die –
verlore seun, verlore mens
Gevind deur jou?(Instr)

The day sheep learned to fly

This is exactly what happened last week when I needed a written press release fast and I have a (brilliant)grade 12 student in need of money because he is done with exams and on his way to Plett Rage… 20 minutes later… a masterpiece. I really hope this happens more often…

“When thinking about South Africa it is hard to ignore that with our amazing warm weather comes the opportunity for drought. We in the Western Cape are far too familiar with drought and how it can affect our communities after the Day Zero scare of 2018 but the people of Sutherland in the Northern Cape could only have hoped their drought only lasted a year. The track “Smeek vir Reën” aims to raise awareness about the drought that has plagued the sheep farmers of Sutherland for the past 7 years and ultimately forms a way for those affected to try and express the hardships they face on a day to day basis through the medium of music. The song’s origin stems from a farmer’s wife in Sutherland, who wishes to remain anonymous, who came forward with lyrics that I was asked to put to music for this awareness campaign. The track is a call for unity within the Western Cape and within the greater South Africa to stand by the people of Sutherland and to support them in any way they can through : raising awareness and letting them know that they are heard and not forgotten or through graciously making monetary contributions to provide relief to the farmers in need. All proceeds are used to fund feeding schemes carried out every 2-3 weeks for the sheep of Sutherland but without the help of donations these schemes cannot take place. For any inquiries regarding those wanting to make the track available to their local radio stations in order to raise awareness and show your support please contact Marthie at [email protected] or 0837672701

If one wishes to make a contribution they can do so through the fund Save the Sheep NPC which has been set up for relief with details as follows:

Standard Bank
Account Number: 082956693
Branch Code:05008
Branch name : Beaufort-West
Cheque Account
SWIFT code : sbzazajj”

Sr. Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch
Singer-Songwriter, Professional Nurse, Inspirational Speaker
“Find Your Purpose And Run With It”
[email protected]
083 767 2701
Womanonfire_1 instagram
>#SaveTheSheep is going places. Another stunning design by Marthinusss thank you! ‘Smeek vir Reën’ is available or my personal favourite: download the music(amongst other farm noises)as a ringtone here . Why I like bandcamp? You can donate your own amount and you skip all the steep international banking fees… It is a great Christmas Gift idea for people who live far away or if you want to travel light. Bram Potgieter did his magic with the musical arrangement and De Wet van der Spuy the mixing and mastering. I am always humbled by their genius. Thank you. REQUEST RADIO AIRPLAY PLEASE 🙂
>In photo: Wellington is getting hotter and jazzier: ‘Gin & Jazz’ at Die Bôrdienghuis, Wellington on 13th of December 18-21:00. Marthie & Bram(he is bringing his band to add more magic) Hope to see you there! Booking Button Below. They say you have to play with your gin before you drink it… mmm let’s see!
>’Let’s Talk Foot care’ is a series of two talks that will be offered by me in collaboration with Dr Ilse Joubert at her Stellenbosch Square. Tuesday 10&17 Dec 2019 8-9am. ‘Tis the season for cracked heals… Seniors and Diabetics also welcome. Limited seating. Bookings Button Below.
>The song of the week is the Liberace-song(he is the guy who flew across the stage with a fur coat) Ppl seem to like my version.
My Baby just cares for me…

Baby, my baby don’t care for shows
And he don’t even care for clothes
He cares for me
My baby don’t care
For cars and races
Baby don’t care for
He don’t care for high-tone places

Liz Taylor is not his style
And even Liberace’s smile
Is something he can’t see
Is something he can’t see
I wonder what’s wrong with baby
My baby just cares for
My baby just cares for
My baby just cares for me

Stumbling into an art gallery

Last week I found two men in the Stellenbosch University Museum Art Gallery who were very interested in the Jazz show. “Can’t I sing Queen of the Night opera? How about Afrikaans? Or Original music? … in Namibia?” Yessss… but not all on one night and I am worried about the wine glasses shattering(besides I am afraid of heights for the high Opera notes- I will have to get a stunt double …) The music I sing best is a soft landing on your ear: almost like soft velvet or dark chocolate, it has been said/I have been told.

I have been studying The Great Songwriters of Songs which became jazz standards on my song-list. Masters who were responsible of shaping 100 years of music that made me laugh and cry. It has been such a life changing experience: learning how the masters lived the music and become stories nestled into more stories. I would like to share a little of what I learned…

“Summertime” – the song covered 250 0001 times-was written for an opera called Porgy and Bess(The novel ‘Porgy’ was authored by Dubose Heyward- about a homeless man taking in a woman who were fleeing from her boyfriend who made her addicted to drugs), composed by George Gershwin- a Jewish Russian immigrant living in America. It was 1934 and the first Theatre production of that time with an all black cast moving social boundaries. It was written to mimic folk songs of the time.

George was so brilliant that when he applied to study under masters like Raven in Paris he was refused: “Why be a half-good Raven when you can be a first Class George? You should be teaching me!” Besides they did not want classical music muddle his natural jazz style. His songs became the example others used to create their own music to e.g. chord structures and progressions.
When he fell ill with a brain tumor they phoned the White House to fetch the best retired brain surgeon off his boat on the ocean to fly in for the surgery but he was too late. George was only 38 when he died. In 1985 his ‘Rhapsody in Blue’ was played by 84 male pianists on 84 grand pianos simultaneously at the colosseum.

What a legacy!

Point is: be your own kind of George. You never know how far your legacy of what you do best, will outlive you!

So Jazz?- It is not a stiff affair- you can relax, put your feet up or sit on the cobbles outside. If I wanted it to be formal I would have picked a place with ushers and soft seats. This time it is a courtyard where you can see the trees and hear the birds chirp in the background. And that is what a Friday should feel and sound like… and tonight is the last jazz opportunity.

Sr. Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch
Singer-Songwriter, Professional Nurse, Inspirational Speaker
“Find Your Purpose And Run With It”
[email protected]
083 767 2701
Womanonfire_1 instagram
>LAST CHANCE: When a Friday like this needs Jazz like that…Join us for an hour of #JazzFridays in November featuring Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch & Winston Siljeur band. 5-6pm, Tonight 22 Nov., 52 Ryneveld str(Ou Bloemhof), Stellenbosch. Bring your own wine. Book Early Bird R120/Groups R100/Student/Seniors Tickets R75.
>Footcare as usual. On leave 20 Dec- 12 Jan.
>The SheepSong is ready with a grand front-cover design(Thank you Marthinusss): check it out and request it on your local radio station. They really need the help and word of mouth support #SaveTheSheep.
>In the picture is me with the HUGE banners I had made: thank you to SilkScreen in helping me put it together and the staff of US museum to put it up every week. Because good stuff should not stay a secret…
>Keep the date: 14 Dec, Wellington: Afrikaans #Sonder Grense with Bram Potgieter
>Song of the week is ‘Bringing you sunshine’ -Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch-Woman On Fire
This is a song I was commissioned to write for a disabled school choir of Mpumalanga. Maybe I should call it the ‘George-song’: you do you- so do it, do it well… It is still in bicycle format but as one mystro said: never be ashamed of a tune that somebody can whistle and hum afterwards.

I am bringing you sunshine
On top of the World
On top of your smile
Because God’s been good to me

He made the itty-bitty little worm(Doo-waa)
He made the trees that you can see (Doo-waa)
He made the cats and the dogs
And all of that
And He made you and me.

I’m bringing you sunshine
On top of the World
On top of your smile
Because God’s been good to me

So why do you keep complaining
About the things you do not have
So why can’t you stop your worries
About the things cannot do

Oh I’m bringing you sunshine…

Yessss! It’s Friday! #JazzFriday

Failing Forward: I recently made a study of how failing can become part of your success(Will Smith is an expert on failing ‘I work the hardest’). Then I realized failing is what raises you up to the higher level you need to become successful. If you haven’t failed enough, you haven’t earned your way to the top yet… so you can stand on top of it and own the mountain space of try-try-agains.

Denzel Washington puts it this way: one day you are going to be on your deathbed and there are going to be ghosts next to your bed: all the ghosts of things you should have done and did not pay attention to and bring into being.

So fail enough, fail forward, learn a lot, chase your dreams and give no ghost a turn to hang around your final bed.

Sr. Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch
Singer-Songwriter, Professional Nurse, Inspirational Speaker
“Find Your Purpose And Run With It”
[email protected]
083 767 2701
Womanonfire_1 instagram
> When a Friday like this needs Jazz like that…
Join us TODAY for an hour of #JazzFridays in November featuring Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch & Winston Siljeur band.

5-6pm, 1,8,15,22 Nov., 52 Ryneveld str(Ou Bloemhof), Stellenbosch. Bring your own wine, preorder picnic boxes optional.
Book Early Bird R120/Groups R100/Student/Seniors Tickets R75.
TO BOOK click below. Tickets also sold at door.
TO LISTEN Summertime-Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch-Woman On Fire
>Footcare as usual: weekdays, school-hours. On leave 20 Dec to 12 January. Heading to Vancouver, Canada to say hello to people we have known for ten years but have not seen for 9.
>KEEP THE DATE: performing at the Bôrdienghuis, Wellington 14 Dec with ‘Afrikaans #Sonder Grense’ with Bram Potgieter. Click button below to book. You can listen to the playlist here
Afrikaans #Sonder Grense
>I am one step away from releasing a new single for #SaveTheSheepSutherland struggling with the drought. Fingers crossed for the weekend for the successful release! Here is the heart touching lyrics by a warmer’s wife who wanted to stay anonymous. (Banking info is in video description if you want to contribute to this cause.)
Mag ek smeek vir reën o Heer
Sutherland Anoniem

Die son kom op, steeds op sy plek
Die maan ook, elke keer
Die voëltjies praat nog, weemoed gerek…
Die stiltes raak al meer…

‘n Steenbok langs die pad verwese
Sy veglus daarmee heen
Ons staar hom aan, deel in sy vrese
Wens ons kon druppels leen..

Koor: Mag ek smeek vir reën o Heer
Ekskuus dat ek weer vra
Wat ons kan offer raak min nou Heer
Dis net U wat ons kan dra

Ons hoop is al so dun geskuur
Ons soebat al so lank
Hoe lank gaan hierdie smart nog duur
Ons siele loop al mank

Van oraloor kom hulp o Heer
‘n Smeekroep weer gehoor
Ons moet U wil nog leer o Heer
Ons twyfel nog verloor

Koor: Mag ek smeek vir reën o Heer
Ekskuus dat ek weer vra
Wat ons kan offer raak min nou Heer
Dis net U wat ons kan dra

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow Mozart

Eine Kleine Nachtmuzik… ring a bell? then you know what I am talking about. His music will forever live on. Even though his grave is unmarked and he died rich in music, poor in money…

I recently attended a House Concert “Mozart Piano Trios”: what a treat! Cupcakes and High Tea sandwiches done right. No alcohol in the punch and you can bring your own champagne. Mozart always calls for champagne! Especially when you have a flute, a cello and a piano managed by maestro’s. Their pages don’t make a noise… the pianist just ‘swipes left’ on his ipad. Bravo! And encore…

Friday’s first #JazzFridays was super-exciting. I’ve been doing some research on all the standards and came to the conclusion: if you want to become a standard jazz song one day- you have to ✔️make sure you are written for an opera(like Summertime) or musical- ✔️make sure you grab all the attention- ✔️ be one of the 600+ songs the composer created and then ✔️250 000 people will cover you (and you maybe get your own wikipedia page…) Many law suits, movie titles and social revolutions have been started in the name of(and in the lyrics of) songs like ‘Somewhere over the rainbow’! #DareToDream

Who knows maybe you will also be played in orbit of the first moon landing and at the astronaut’s funeral like ‘Fly me to the moon’…

And the chances are most of this will happen tomorrow… when the creator is not around anymore. But it is all build on yesterday and todays hard work!

I think sometimes one has to dream bigger than your lifetime- like a Walt Disney(movies) or an Arthur Guinness(draught beer). Or be proud to carry on with what is worth a legacy- like music masterpieces… or Rugby World Cup wins.

Sr. Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch
Singer-Songwriter, Professional Nurse, Inspirational Speaker
“Find Your Purpose And Run With It”
[email protected]
083 767 2701
Womanonfire_1 instagram

>Footcare as usual: Yes! ‘Are you ready for Christmas’ songs? I will be on holiday 20 Dec 2019 to 10 Jan 2020.
>In the action-photo is The Trio de Music: Albert Combrink, Thomas de Bruin and Ariella Cairo with their Cottage Concert performance. You can follow their shows here or catering
>Afrikaans #Sonder Grense, with Bram Potgieter, Die Bôrdienghuis, Wellington concert is Sat 14 December.
>Showtime at Lucit Restaurant and Theatre, Pretoria, Sunday 24 November
>And When a Friday like this needs Jazz like that…Join us for an hour of #JazzFridays in November featuring Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch & Winston Siljeur band.
5-6pm, 1,8,15,22 Nov., 52 Ryneveld str(Ou Bloemhof), Stellenbosch. Bring your own wine, preorder picnic boxes optional.
Book Early Bird R120/Groups R100/Student/Seniors Tickets R75.
>Song Of the week is a Standard… Summertime composed in 1934 by George Gershwin for the opera Porgy and Bess in the style of a folk song “Summertime”. The lyrics are by DuBose Heyward. Sung to Clara’s now-orphaned baby after both its parents died in the storm (in the Opera)
🎶Listen to my cover version Summertime-Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch-Woman On Fire

Summertime, an’ the livin’ is easy
Fish are jumpin’ an’ the cotton is high.
Oh, yo’ daddy’s rich and yo’ ma is good-lookin’
So hush, little baby, don’ you cry.

One of these mornin’s you goin’ to rise up singin’
Then you’ll spread yo’ wings an’ you’ll take the sky.
But till that mornin’, there’s a nothin’ can harm you
With Daddy an’ Mammy standin’ by.

Thank you for letting me inspire you!

Last Thursday was special. It started on Wednesday when I had to kill a phone call in the last 5 minutes of my last psychology class: it was Danie Keet from the Eikestadnuus Newspaper
“Marthie what are you doing tomorrow? Because we are having an Inspiration women’s day event and from the nominations your name came up a couple of times and we decided to give you the award for Inspirational woman of the year. You will be sharing it with another lady who is not from the Stellenbosch community.”
Thank you so much for allowing me to inspire you. You know God gave us all our unique purpose and inspiration is at the top of my list… so this is so spot on!

So Thursday was a dream filled with beautiful women(lipstick and high heels) and amazing speakers from the Master of ceremonies Elsabé Daneel to Alicia Buckle telling her how to look good with a R23 budget, Leah who sang songs from her new album( Law, Theatre art school and she can song?!), Helen van Wyk with healthy food lifestyle options and Yolande Swanepoel from Isa Carsten with tips on how to spend time on your most important piece of clothing: your skin…

I also met THE woman who sounds just as crazy as me(yes, she also studied psychology- no surprise!) Wait for it: she makes school shirts for kids out of tossed out Hotel linen… how cool is that?! And that all because a young boy’s tears touched her heart… and of course it evolved and she now has a factory of women working for her: creating amazing who-knows-what-next behind their sewing machines…

You can follow her and support her cause here
My words to her was: my job is not to start another Non Profit Organization but to be the flashlight casting a light on what other amazing people are doing already! People like you…That way the resources are not diluted but instead supported by more people who become aware of how they can get involved.
I want to be the Signpost that points people to…
the next resource they need
for their next step to
get to the other side of their impossibility.

And like Audrey Hepburn said: the word itself says “I’m Possible”.

I am actually thinking of ideas for a pilot program(video/tv/who knows). If you have suggestions let me know! I think showcasing NPO’s in Stellenbosch would be cool start and keep me busy for a while!

So get your Eikestadnuus tomorrow: they really are in the business of news- good news- that will inspire you too… who knows you could be next…???

Sr. Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch
Singer-Songwriter, Professional Nurse, Inspirational Speaker
“Find Your Purpose And Run With It”
[email protected]
083 767 2701
Womanonfire_1 instagram

>Foot Care as Usual: no Psychology… just jazz!
>In the picture is Danolene Johanessen with me on the Woman’s Inspiration day.
>This is where you can read the Eikestadnuus online news
When a Friday like this needs Jazz like that…
>Join us for an hour of #JazzFridays in November featuring Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch & Winston Siljeur band.
5-6pm, 1,8,15,22 Nov., 52 Ryneveld str(Ou Bloemhof), Stellenbosch. Bring your own wine, preorder picnic boxes optional.
Book Early Bird R120/Groups R100/Student/Seniors Tickets R75. Link below.
>Look out for #Afrikaans #Sonder Grense in Wellington, Pretoria, Durbanville and Stellenbosch(info-button below)
>The song of the week is: Who is the woman in the mirror?

This was a request by me to my sister-in-law Madrè Nel- when she just finished her cancer treatment for breast cancer: To put in words her experience so that she could be the inspiration for others to follow. It is the story of stepping into the unkown and scary into a new view on life and gaining a new family. She has been so brave and her perspective on life is quite life-changing!

P1. First the mamo…Then the biopsy aaahaa (BA)
You must be kidding! Look the big needle! Aahaa (DE)
Then the surgery….first scar, 3rd scar….Aahaa(BA)
Come join our family at oncology -we are family! (DE)

P2. It’s not working guys…I’m not feeling better. aaahaa (BA)
I look around, get the pamflets, get the hugs… Aahaa (DE)
do the chemo’s, the radiations, more pills… (BA)
Come join our family at oncology -we are family!(DE

P3. The Red devil…the red death…. Chemo! (aaahaa) (BA)
First you pray to live, then you pray to die, then live again. (DE)
How’s this suppose to make me feel!? Aahaa (BA)
Come join our family at oncology -we are family! (DE)
Join our family at oncology -we are family!we are family

Chorus: Who is the woman in the mirror?
She’s strong, courageous and she’s brave
Changed on the inside- a survivor
Cancer brings blessings in disguise
You learn to look beyong reality
And what this life seems to be
Relationships and not the money
Finding new friends, a family.

V1: Everyone tells you they’re sorry
But can’t you see- I’m happy?
Happy to be a survivor.
Happy to be alive.

V2: Stop your rushing, stop your fighting
Stop lying to yourself.
Take your life, take your friendships
Sit in your garden and say thanks

V3. As the weeks pass you see faces
Some with fear and some with joy
We’re all brave and courageous
One thing we share is HOPE

Bridge: Quick, quick…get the wig!
Wigs all colours, wigs all sizes
Quick, quick, get the wig!
Its so funny drying hair, flying hair… none!

Chorus: Who is the woman in the mirror?
I ask as my journey ends
Changed on the outside but on the inside
It’s always been …me!

(modulate) I am the woman in the mirror.
I’m strong, courageous and I’m brave
Changed on the inside- a survivor
Cancer brings blessings in disguise
I learned to look beyong reality
And what this life seems to be
Relationships and not the money
Finding new friends, a family.
Come join our family at oncology -we are family! (DE)
Join our family at oncology -we are family!
We are family…

When a Friday like this

needs Jazz like that…
Join us for an hour of #JazzFridays in November featuring Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch & Winston Siljeur band.

5-6pm, 1,8,15,22 Nov., 52 Ryneveld str(Ou Bloemhof), Stellenbosch. Bring your own wine, picnic boxes can be preordered. Early Bird/Groups/Student/Seniors Tickets.

I recently put to music a couple of Tao Te Ching Verses. Verse 17 reminds me of a crochet hook: it works hard and when you are done with the piece you have created, it seems like the pen did not do anything yet it was instrumental in pulling the wool together into a creation that would otherwise not exist.
I sometimes feel people are like that: they enter your life- get’s you to the other side of impossibilities and then leaves without leaving a trace. Yet you find yourself on the other side of the river you needed to cross.
Almost like stepping stones to the Big One.

“The great ruler speaks little
And his words are priceless
He works without self-interest
And leaves no trace
When all is finished, the people say,
“It happened by itself”
Tao Te Ching, from Verse 17

Sr. Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch
Singer-Songwriter, Professional Nurse, Inspirational Speaker
“Find Your Purpose And Run With It”
[email protected]
083 767 2701
Womanonfire_1 instagram

>The picture is rehearsals and what happens when you make a selfie-video on somebody else’s phone and you can’t find the ‘STOP’ button but instead take a lot of silly pictures… Winston Siljeur in action.
>Take me to the videoclip of Misty… Misty- Marthie & Winston-#JazzFridays
>Footcare as usual: reaching the end of community psychology: may all the problems AND solutions multiply.
>Song of the week is the closest to jazz chords I’ll probably get in songwriting ii7,V7; iii7,vi7… I wrote it with my first Songwriters Session I ever did and it ended up not being a crowded room but it did inspire a great song… Waiting for You-Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch-Woman On Fire

Waiting for you
V1. I’m waiting for you
But you’re not here
Some-one moved the piano
I’m not surprised
The tea is cold
Waiting, waiting, waiting waiting

Chorus: There’s just no magic
I can’t feel it on my own
There’s just no magic when you’re not here
Please come
Please come

V2. I’m waiting for you
But you’re not here
Some-one moved the furniture
I’m not surprised
The tea is cold
Waiting, waiting, waiting waiting

Bridge: I blame it on the weather
And how it’s the rainy outside
Is there something I could have said?
Or done or tried?


There’s a new generation

Of South Africans emerging from the ashes of negativity and airplane-tickets bought to promised lands. It is people who are not ‘left behind’ but who ‘choose to stay’.
This takes elbow grease and a loose tongue: telling stories and learning each other’s culture and language.

Pam was the young women with the friendly smile at Engen. She died of pneumonia after several hospital visits in Tygerberg Hospital. The sadness in my daily grocery stop-shop was palpable last week…

She represents the people of the Eastern Cape migrating to the Western Cape for greener pastures and jobs living in poor conditions- like my mother said recently “Look at the small houses they have to live in…” and I know in a different time and place she would be the one holding the hammer and collecting building material. But she is older now with much wisdom and the young ones are eager to embrace their futures. We are the ones now.

I started lots of people/projects, thinking, thinking, thinking…but I realize my models are bottom-up: that is where we sit around the table and look at the SWOT (Strenghts, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)of your/our community- brain storm many ideas and you continue your journey with trial and erring some solutions that could work for your situation. I’m good with that: strategic planning. When we meet again we’ll share experiences, drop jaw about new amazing events and miracles and re-invent and engineer the future turning the negatives around and underlining the positives. It takes time and people with grit.

One of the things that has been growing organically is “Speak Afrikaans Easily”- one of my suggestions to Kayamandi(informal settlement: this means many small one-room houses) was to focus on the business of Real Estate and Xhosa Lessons. This made me think maybe people would like to speak Afrikaans too? And seeing that I have a bunch of folk songs recorded this created a great opportunity to learn to speak Afrikaans by using music, I proceeded to evolve #MondaysWithMarthie. Baby-steps.

My dream is that Afrikaans would become a much loved language all over the World because it is so easy to learn and has such diverse roots pulling from global cultures. It is a conversation piece and peace tool: to bring people together in a safe place beyond English.

So yes to my amazement: people want to learn Afrikaans- I hope to one day, when I am focused, to put together more exciting content and roll with it. And hey! Even if you just learn one new word(I would suggest ‘Lekker’ or ‘Braai’) it is a way for me to share my culture with you and at the same time learn more about your culture. We can figure out why 🎶Jan Pierrewiet brings his wife coffee in bed, 🎶Pollie wants to travel to Paarl and why 🎶the Babboons love climbing Stellenbosch Mountain.

And this is what happens at the Engen: I learn my daily new Xhosa words having lots of fun with the clicks and take the ladies’ favorite songs home.

I am the promised land- I don’t have to move there. And you can help me be better- by being part of my 150 friends. #ImStaying

Sr. Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch
Singer-Songwriter, Professional Nurse, Inspirational Speaker
“Find Your Purpose And Run With It”
[email protected]
083 767 2701
Womanonfire_1 instagram
>Pamela Rangayi(R.I.P.) is the lady in the picture I had the honor of knowing for the last few years shopping at Engen Garage, Stellenbosch. 15 May 1988-7 Oct 2019
>#FootCare as usual. 29 October is The Last Psychology Exam: ask me how communities take back their children from addictions by going back to old school parenting methods in Iceland…
>KEEP THE DATES for #Jazz Fridays Stellenbosch in November 5-6pm- (bring your own wine) and #Afrikaans #SonderGrense in Wellington 7 Dec “Bôrdienghuis”. To Book click the button below or visit
>the #HoogliedBokkie production from 50 songs in 90 days songwriting challenge that ended 1 October)is taking shape and the theme is: God is madly in love with you. It’s in Afrikaans(quickest way to learn a new language is with lovely music) Hooglied Bokkie
>The song of the week is ‘Kerkstraat’ a song I composed for The Mystros: a street musician group frequenting Stellenbosch. It ended up being a diverse collaboration of South African talent and sounds. I would call it ‘ghoema’: it’s about the one street you will find in every local town: church street! I hope you like it…


1. Ken jy Johannes Neethling
Wat daar langs die kerkhof staan?
Hy kyk vir al die mense,
wat kom en gaan.
Sak die son vanaand weg
Agter Stellenbosch se berg
Dan kom die moë reisigers
Hul worries net hier los

Koor: Hier moet jy Mooi loop, Reg loop,
versigtig loop, koes-koes loop, lekker loop,
Want dit is Kerkstraat!
Hier moet jy Mooi loop, Reg loop,
versigtig loop, koes-koes loop, lekker loop,
Want dit is Kerkstraat!

2. Hier’s spoke wat hier rondloop
En vir jou koekeloer
Die kinders eet hule roomys
Die pa’s gaan wynproei
Terwyl die watervore
die hele dorp natlei?
Koop mammies volstruisvere
En alles wat jy kry.

Koor: Hier moet jy Mooi loop, Reg loop,
versigtig loop, koes-koes loop, lekker loop,
Want dit is Kerkstraat!
Hier moet jy Mooi loop, Reg loop,
versigtig loop, koes-koes loop, lekker loop,
Want dit is Kerkstraat!

Brug: Oppas vir die akkertjie
wat op jou kop kom val
Oppas vir die akkertjie hy
maak jou lekker mal! ||X2

Koor:….ja als gebeur in Kerkstraat!
Kerkstraat – Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch