There’s a new generation

Of South Africans emerging from the ashes of negativity and airplane-tickets bought to promised lands. It is people who are not ‘left behind’ but who ‘choose to stay’.
This takes elbow grease and a loose tongue: telling stories and learning each other’s culture and language.

Pam was the young women with the friendly smile at Engen. She died of pneumonia after several hospital visits in Tygerberg Hospital. The sadness in my daily grocery stop-shop was palpable last week…

She represents the people of the Eastern Cape migrating to the Western Cape for greener pastures and jobs living in poor conditions- like my mother said recently “Look at the small houses they have to live in…” and I know in a different time and place she would be the one holding the hammer and collecting building material. But she is older now with much wisdom and the young ones are eager to embrace their futures. We are the ones now.

I started lots of people/projects, thinking, thinking, thinking…but I realize my models are bottom-up: that is where we sit around the table and look at the SWOT (Strenghts, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)of your/our community- brain storm many ideas and you continue your journey with trial and erring some solutions that could work for your situation. I’m good with that: strategic planning. When we meet again we’ll share experiences, drop jaw about new amazing events and miracles and re-invent and engineer the future turning the negatives around and underlining the positives. It takes time and people with grit.

One of the things that has been growing organically is “Speak Afrikaans Easily”- one of my suggestions to Kayamandi(informal settlement: this means many small one-room houses) was to focus on the business of Real Estate and Xhosa Lessons. This made me think maybe people would like to speak Afrikaans too? And seeing that I have a bunch of folk songs recorded this created a great opportunity to learn to speak Afrikaans by using music, I proceeded to evolve #MondaysWithMarthie. Baby-steps.

My dream is that Afrikaans would become a much loved language all over the World because it is so easy to learn and has such diverse roots pulling from global cultures. It is a conversation piece and peace tool: to bring people together in a safe place beyond English.

So yes to my amazement: people want to learn Afrikaans- I hope to one day, when I am focused, to put together more exciting content and roll with it. And hey! Even if you just learn one new word(I would suggest ‘Lekker’ or ‘Braai’) it is a way for me to share my culture with you and at the same time learn more about your culture. We can figure out why 🎶Jan Pierrewiet brings his wife coffee in bed, 🎶Pollie wants to travel to Paarl and why 🎶the Babboons love climbing Stellenbosch Mountain.

And this is what happens at the Engen: I learn my daily new Xhosa words having lots of fun with the clicks and take the ladies’ favorite songs home.

I am the promised land- I don’t have to move there. And you can help me be better- by being part of my 150 friends. #ImStaying

Sr. Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch
Singer-Songwriter, Professional Nurse, Inspirational Speaker
“Find Your Purpose And Run With It”
[email protected]
083 767 2701
Womanonfire_1 instagram
>Pamela Rangayi(R.I.P.) is the lady in the picture I had the honor of knowing for the last few years shopping at Engen Garage, Stellenbosch. 15 May 1988-7 Oct 2019
>#FootCare as usual. 29 October is The Last Psychology Exam: ask me how communities take back their children from addictions by going back to old school parenting methods in Iceland…
>KEEP THE DATES for #Jazz Fridays Stellenbosch in November 5-6pm- (bring your own wine) and #Afrikaans #SonderGrense in Wellington 7 Dec “Bôrdienghuis”. To Book click the button below or visit
>the #HoogliedBokkie production from 50 songs in 90 days songwriting challenge that ended 1 October)is taking shape and the theme is: God is madly in love with you. It’s in Afrikaans(quickest way to learn a new language is with lovely music) Hooglied Bokkie
>The song of the week is ‘Kerkstraat’ a song I composed for The Mystros: a street musician group frequenting Stellenbosch. It ended up being a diverse collaboration of South African talent and sounds. I would call it ‘ghoema’: it’s about the one street you will find in every local town: church street! I hope you like it…


1. Ken jy Johannes Neethling
Wat daar langs die kerkhof staan?
Hy kyk vir al die mense,
wat kom en gaan.
Sak die son vanaand weg
Agter Stellenbosch se berg
Dan kom die moë reisigers
Hul worries net hier los

Koor: Hier moet jy Mooi loop, Reg loop,
versigtig loop, koes-koes loop, lekker loop,
Want dit is Kerkstraat!
Hier moet jy Mooi loop, Reg loop,
versigtig loop, koes-koes loop, lekker loop,
Want dit is Kerkstraat!

2. Hier’s spoke wat hier rondloop
En vir jou koekeloer
Die kinders eet hule roomys
Die pa’s gaan wynproei
Terwyl die watervore
die hele dorp natlei?
Koop mammies volstruisvere
En alles wat jy kry.

Koor: Hier moet jy Mooi loop, Reg loop,
versigtig loop, koes-koes loop, lekker loop,
Want dit is Kerkstraat!
Hier moet jy Mooi loop, Reg loop,
versigtig loop, koes-koes loop, lekker loop,
Want dit is Kerkstraat!

Brug: Oppas vir die akkertjie
wat op jou kop kom val
Oppas vir die akkertjie hy
maak jou lekker mal! ||X2

Koor:….ja als gebeur in Kerkstraat!
Kerkstraat – Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch

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