What went right?
What went wrong?
What needs a second chance?(dream on…)
I really wanted to feel depressed and sorry for myself last week: ✔️how hard I work, ✔️how much stuff was still left to do and ✔️how I failed at what was important to me.
Then I started making a list starting from January and it did not take long before my suffer-list was overtaken by the grit-list? It was a wait-minute-watch-moment… bring the champagne…!
Me personally: I think to much focus is on what is yonder instead of taking the moment, catching up with your shadow and celebrating all the little things you have forgotten about while you were on your way to the other side of 2019.
Well, it is time to make the happy list, curl your toes and smile. You did it! You did it alone, you did it with other people, you did it in spite of other people. Make a list of you A+Team because you will be needing them in 2020 and tell them you value them- because it’s going to be a great year!
For 2020 I chose the theme of #Eggspectation: boil it or hatch it…🐣. I think it refers to starting from scratch and having potential. We’ll see how it develops.
And Merry Christmas! Eat the fruitcake and drink the Eggnog- I’ll see you in Vancouver this year. #Friends #Family
Sr. Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch
Singer-Songwriter, Professional Nurse, Inspirational Speaker
“Find Your Purpose And Run With It”
[email protected]
083 767 2701
Womanonfire_1 instagram
#MondaysWithMarthie: goo.gl/9vbmfc
>FOOT CARE continues in 2020, 13 Jan.
>THE PICTURE: my favorite fly on the local bridge at Paul Roos Gymnasium School. Somebody had to take a picture of the masterpiece. I wish I knew who created it!
>RADIO AIRPLAY: Smeek vir reën/ I’m dreaming of a Christmas in Saskatchewan(I’ll share the songs to your favorite radiostation if they are not playing it already. Let me know if they do please)
>KEEP THE DATE: I am still tweaking it a bit buy the vision is#JazzFridays shows in March. And a couple of #KatjiepieringEnAnys shows.(The story about my grandparents’ 67 year together: what an adventure!) #OmmieTafelMetMarthie(that’s when I buy you wine/coffee and visit)
>THE SONG: I wanted to create more Summer Christmas songs celebrating the Southern Hemisphere’s weather: this was the first song for the album #SomerKersfees. In Africa we do salads and fit-flops(remember your suntan-lotion!)
🎶Can you write me a Christmas song?
Chorus: Can you write me a Christmas song?
With no snow just sunshine in it?
Will you write me a Christmas song
with bright kites and beach umbrellas?
When you write me your Christmas song.
With sandcastles and clear blue skies.
Make sure when you write that song.
Make sure that you are in it.
Bridge: We can have a big tree bring friends, bring family.
Tell our stories around the BBQ about the year gone by.
Celebrating the long awaited summer day
With salty waters, suntan-lotion, share the good times again.
Coda: Do you hear the Christmas song?
Just a simple summer-salad song
Do you hear the Christmas song?
Just a silly simple summer-salad Christmas song…