When the dust settles on everything- you have choices to make. I mostly want to ignore it but comes Thursday it’s clear black pianos and dust don’t mix well… But this week I put the dust on hold a but longer to make way for something I have been dreaming of: a podcast series to […]
The olive farmer
Olive oil does not grow in bottles from olive trees- it would be nice though. This is what ‘Abundance’ looks like, I learned this week… March over to the olive grove.Shake a tree.Catch the olives.Bucket them and then decide what you are going to make if it… It is only- once you see all the […]
Spending time in the gap
It’s been very quiet in my house: everybody is home in their own corner of the house: Jean, Nell, Cobus and me. I think the most fun I have is laundry-Mondays when I am trying to pair socks… it’s a ‘to be continued’ saga… Corona 19 has given me time to sit, sit and sit […]
When you can hear your own heart beat
Is either because you have stopped to listen and pay attention or something scary is about to happen that took you by surprise.To me it’s a bit of both. I sleep next to a doctor every night and he goes to work daily. The ‘hello and goodbyes’ aren’t the same anymore. It comes with exclamation […]
Knock! Knock! Who’s there?
It’s your interruption: there is always one… ||: Ask(receive)Seek(find)Knock(open)And then yourINTERRUPTION>>guaranteed :|| It seems to me that waiting is not really a passive action it’s more like playing in your sandbox until the red spade makes it’s appearance. What is ’work‘ when it’s ’play’ for you because it comes naturally to you because it is […]
NO means ‘Not Overnight’.
It’s not easy hearing a NO. But if you turn it around it works like a button and reads ON. It is a switch and you just need to flick it again…No means… no never, not now, not today, not this season, not this year or just ‘ask again later’… We once had aMcDonalds play-toy […]
The Seven Year Plan Is Coming Together
It’s ok to blink. But blinking without having a plan- that’s a problem…I was thinking: How can I sell you my newest offerings without making it look like my Office desk’s chaos? Well- it might look like chaos… but it’s planned chaos! It’s stuff I engineered more than seven years ago… You see I had […]
When the lights go out but the sun still shines
You must be in South Africa because it is load-shedding. The benefits of load-shedding is you get to spend time with your cat. And plan your day better: computer on, computer off #Restart #ShutDown And everything works in pockets of 2,5 hours. Just like the show for Valentines day at De Warenmark: 2,5-3 hours. With […]
Care First- staying independent longer
You don’t allow just anybody into your home: it is a place where love and trust are respected. That is why I started Care First Placement Agency. We find trained quality carers you can adopt into your home to keep you in control of your care and independent longer.This is my press release. “A project […]
Fly on the wall
My dad always used to give the flies names- especially the ones who were frequent flyers(and landers) when we would visit Blenheim Farm on December Summer holiday visits to Stellenbosch. Since those days I have discovered inventive ways of keeping them away. You have to keep your finger on them if you know what I […]