Terry Fox? Ever heard of him? He ran for the children: a marathon a day, every day in his Marathon of Hope…on a prosthetic leg. In 2005 Canada commemorated his legacy with a loonie coin in his honor. Wow! What a man!“After losing his right leg to cancer at age 18, Terry Fox decided to […]
The Wait
I see it as progress while you are not doing anything- or rather you are doing a lot but you can’t measure your progress as easily as you sometimes need to- to realize your progress.These days I am writing a story and a song a day. Just because if I don’t it hangs onto my […]
Fly like an Eagle
This is a new collaboration With Winston Siljeur and Wilna Germishuys-just in time for your weekend. We would love for you to tell us what you think and request more great music we can get high on. XxxMarthie As jy wil hoe klink dit as Winston Siljeur kookwater musiek maak en Wilna Germishuys pragtig harmoniseer: […]
When your cup runs over it flows…
The next question would be: how big is the cup? I like espressos in the morning(the extra water tastes funny to me: 45ml) but on the days I am checking my fluid intake(2 liters) I drink the full cup of coffee: 250ml- that is a lot of coffee!But some days I am not awake yet […]
It’s Time
It’s time to SOAR. Now that Covid has stripped all the excess away. Speak up, be Open to everything, be Attached to nothing holding you back, Rise up…🦅 Every year I pick a theme for my year(my resolutions I have already made -of which the 1997 copy is still hanging on my wall- chipping away […]
May you find love and give it away
I’m not going to say much.Love has a way of igniting more love when you pass it on. It is a frequency we can all have more of.So I hope you find it and give it away this year. Is it a holiday? Is it a covid wearing a mask? Is it something you want […]
Anthem of Hope: Bridge Builder Generation
Now is the time. To Start. I listen to people’s perspectives on how COVID changed the flow of life as we used to know it.We are all caged in by our own limiting beliefs and set free when we challenge the normal we got used to as the norm.It is not in the walk but […]
Where the Night meets the Day
Is there a Culture of complaining? Is it a way to start a conversation. But the walls have ears. Little feet, immature problem solvers and inexperienced hope finders. Recently two girls committed suicide at the same school. In my mind the idea pops up of in how much the negativity that exists in communities, families […]
Goodbye Feet
I’ve written many foot-songs that went on all kinds of journeys over the years.There is one beauty I find in feet: you have to balance yourself on top of them. You can only occupy one space at a time. Not even zoom can change that!Some people’s feet are made for resting others for seeing the […]
Wired for success
Plug it in. I thought the ideal would be to go ‘wireless’ but then I discovered thick walls and batteries running flat faster than I can keep on charging devices. Moving office furniture around to make sure I am positioned well to catch what is out there: waves and megabytes.Not quite the freedom you think […]