Thank you for letting me inspire you!

Last Thursday was special. It started on Wednesday when I had to kill a phone call in the last 5 minutes of my last psychology class: it was Danie Keet from the Eikestadnuus Newspaper“Marthie what are you doing tomorrow? Because we are having an Inspiration women’s day event and from the nominations your name came […]

When a Friday like this

needs Jazz like that…Join us for an hour of #JazzFridays in November featuring Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch & Winston Siljeur band. 5-6pm, 1,8,15,22 Nov., 52 Ryneveld str(Ou Bloemhof), Stellenbosch. Bring your own wine, picnic boxes can be preordered. Early Bird/Groups/Student/Seniors I recently put to music a couple of Tao Te Ching Verses. Verse 17 reminds […]

There’s a new generation

Of South Africans emerging from the ashes of negativity and airplane-tickets bought to promised lands. It is people who are not ‘left behind’ but who ‘choose to stay’.This takes elbow grease and a loose tongue: telling stories and learning each other’s culture and language. Pam was the young women with the friendly smile at Engen. […]

Are you ready to dress up?

There is a moment in-between wearing your new clothes, and leaving your old clothes on the floor, where you are naked. It is a good thing because you don’t want to ruin the celebration that’s coming! Recently I’ve had the 99 block of ‘Snakes and Ladders’ in my head: you know the one with the […]

It takes a village, Domino

But how big is the village?5…10…150…?I recently stumbled across the Dunbar Rule of 150. I was trying to visualize how big a crowd of 150 would look like(the number of people I want to attend the Jazz Fridays: first four Fridays in November 5-6pm is showtime- now you know)So I googled it: what does 150 […]