Yessss! It’s Friday! #JazzFriday

Failing Forward: I recently made a study of how failing can become part of your success(Will Smith is an expert on failing ‘I work the hardest’). Then I realized failing is what raises you up to the higher level you need to become successful. If you haven’t failed enough, you haven’t earned your way to the top yet… so you can stand on top of it and own the mountain space of try-try-agains.

Denzel Washington puts it this way: one day you are going to be on your deathbed and there are going to be ghosts next to your bed: all the ghosts of things you should have done and did not pay attention to and bring into being.

So fail enough, fail forward, learn a lot, chase your dreams and give no ghost a turn to hang around your final bed.

Sr. Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch
Singer-Songwriter, Professional Nurse, Inspirational Speaker
“Find Your Purpose And Run With It”
[email protected]
083 767 2701
Womanonfire_1 instagram
> When a Friday like this needs Jazz like that…
Join us TODAY for an hour of #JazzFridays in November featuring Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch & Winston Siljeur band.

5-6pm, 1,8,15,22 Nov., 52 Ryneveld str(Ou Bloemhof), Stellenbosch. Bring your own wine, preorder picnic boxes optional.
Book Early Bird R120/Groups R100/Student/Seniors Tickets R75.
TO BOOK click below. Tickets also sold at door.
TO LISTEN Summertime-Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch-Woman On Fire
>Footcare as usual: weekdays, school-hours. On leave 20 Dec to 12 January. Heading to Vancouver, Canada to say hello to people we have known for ten years but have not seen for 9.
>KEEP THE DATE: performing at the Bôrdienghuis, Wellington 14 Dec with ‘Afrikaans #Sonder Grense’ with Bram Potgieter. Click button below to book. You can listen to the playlist here
Afrikaans #Sonder Grense
>I am one step away from releasing a new single for #SaveTheSheepSutherland struggling with the drought. Fingers crossed for the weekend for the successful release! Here is the heart touching lyrics by a warmer’s wife who wanted to stay anonymous. (Banking info is in video description if you want to contribute to this cause.)
Mag ek smeek vir reën o Heer
Sutherland Anoniem

Die son kom op, steeds op sy plek
Die maan ook, elke keer
Die voëltjies praat nog, weemoed gerek…
Die stiltes raak al meer…

‘n Steenbok langs die pad verwese
Sy veglus daarmee heen
Ons staar hom aan, deel in sy vrese
Wens ons kon druppels leen..

Koor: Mag ek smeek vir reën o Heer
Ekskuus dat ek weer vra
Wat ons kan offer raak min nou Heer
Dis net U wat ons kan dra

Ons hoop is al so dun geskuur
Ons soebat al so lank
Hoe lank gaan hierdie smart nog duur
Ons siele loop al mank

Van oraloor kom hulp o Heer
‘n Smeekroep weer gehoor
Ons moet U wil nog leer o Heer
Ons twyfel nog verloor

Koor: Mag ek smeek vir reën o Heer
Ekskuus dat ek weer vra
Wat ons kan offer raak min nou Heer
Dis net U wat ons kan dra

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