The next question would be: how big is the cup?
I like espressos in the morning(the extra water tastes funny to me: 45ml) but on the days I am checking my fluid intake(2 liters) I drink the full cup of coffee: 250ml- that is a lot of coffee!
But some days I am not awake yet and I press the wrong button (Yes, we have one of those fancy machines…Yay! #BookYourCoffeeNow) and end up with diluted coffee in my espresso cup… (Nooo, most of the coffee is in the catch-tray…)
Then I have a big mess I have to clean up because I was not ready for the abundance of the day…
Point is: be sure you are ready with the ‘right’ cup when you place your ‘life’-coffee order… you might get MORE then you asked for. #ComePrepared
I recently came across Margaret Hirsch’s approach on New Years Resolutions: 31 one of them for each day in January(so you can still catch up here…
One tip I tried was her suggestion of making a list of 300 things you want to do this year… 300?! (And then try to ‘get’ 200)
Well I am an overachiever so I made a list of 400…🙃 I was very curious as to how many lines a list like this would take up(9 pages: one thing per line for 300)
My conclusion was: if you only have 3 goals for the year guilt kicks in if you don’t achieve them(or aren’t at least working towards them… like losing weight…) It runs like a train on a track of 3 slats. But when you have 300ish slats for the year- well you can be doing anything you want because if it is not on the list you can add it, relax and slide your train all the way to 2022 smoothly.
So there you go! You should try it… let me know if you want me to brainstorm ideas with you(Oh the only thing is: trying to find the ONE thing you want to cross off the list that you accomplished🤣 Good luck with that one!)
Sr. Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch
Singer-Songwriter, Professional Nurse, Inspirational Speaker
“Find Your Purpose And Run With It”
[email protected]
083 767 2701
Womanonfire_1 instagram
>Foot Care as usual(recently I’ve upgraded to teaching slim phones to seniors too: I seem to have the patience to give fingers the ‘swiping’ workout to help enhance communication skills…)
>> Ta-Da!!! Don’t you just love the picture? My sister-in-law illustrated my new album and I absolutely love it! You can listen to the music on Spotify, Youtube, iTunes and if you put out request to your favorite radio they can play it(I’ll send them the files if it helps). Tony Drake graced the album with his brilliant piano. And I am happy to say on all the days I was trying to be sad the music cheered me up. All my favorite life songs(18+1) when coffee is not enough and you need to get the mop.
>>>I know I am quiet: busy working on a Music Licensing course and Music Production and warming up to kick off February Album Writing Month! Hoot! hoot! Can’t wait; I’ll be working on 25 Themes zongs and Kimberley(Musical on discovery of diamonds). Busy with #TheShackbuilder musical, children’s sport’s & play songs in Afrikaans(so if you know any I have not recorded yet- even the silly ones! Send them to me #Voicenote)
>Song Of the week is: “For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord…” in Afrikaans(take note- one of my slowest songs ever- usually I hoot ahead top speed!) It’s from my new Album(link below).
🎵Ek weet wat ek vir jou beplan het(Jeremia 29:11)
Ek weet/ wat ek/ vir jou/ beplan het,” Sê die Here
Ek beplan/ voorspoed vir jou, /nie teëspoed nie. Sê die Here
Ek wil/ hê/ dat jy hoop/vir die toekoms moet hê.
Jy sal na My roep/ en kom bid,
Ek sal na jou luister.
As jy heelhartig/ na My soek,
sal jy My vind.
sal jy My vind,”
“Ek sal/ jou /uit gevangeniskap/ laat terugkeer.
Ek sal/ jou/versamel tussen al die nasies/ waar jy nou is/
en uit al die plekke/ waarheen Ek jou verban het
“Ek sal/ jou weer/ terugbring//
na die plekke/waarvandaan/ Ek jou/in ballingskap laat gaan het.”
Sê die Here
Ek weet/ wat HY/ vir MY/ beplan het,”
HY beplan/ voorspoed vir MY, /nie teëspoed nie. Sê die Here
HY wil hê/ dat EK hoop vir die toekoms moet hê.
EK sal na HOM roep/ en kom bid,
HY sal na MY/ luister.
En As EK heelhartig/ na HOM soek,
sal EK HOM vind.
As EK heelhartig/ na HOM soek,
sal EK HOM vind.