Is a dog came to visit. A black one. It ate all the energy out of the pantry and emptied the bowl of light. It took a while but I shooed it out the door.
Sometimes you don’t realize you have a visitor until you are running on empty. That is why you have to raise your awareness and quickly chase it out the door because the Dog Depression can eat up your days, weeks and years before you know it and it will make you pay in friends and family.
People don’t like to hang around when The Dog visits because it bites and they can get it too.
Best wat to get rid of the damn thing is look for it, look at it and show it the door. Don’t let it settle in and become comfortable… It poisons your head, talk, self-talk.
It is with the turn around you have to keep momentum and hold on to everything you know is true but don’t feel is true. It is practicing to smile, looking for humor and finding the little things that make you happy.
Happy is your job- even if you are in lockdown with nowhere to go except the bathroom.
So I hope you find your Black Dog/chase someone else’s away. Nobody can afford to lose a day to it.
When you turn to the Light the shadow is always behind you.
I am happy to say it’s just me and the cat again!
Sr. Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch
Singer-Songwriter, Professional Nurse, Inspirational Speaker
“Find Your Purpose And Run With It”
[email protected]
083 767 2701
Womanonfire_1 instagram
>In the picture is Mia the Cat and Cleopatra the clothing Iron… I am still planning some story writing about the Broom Closet Incredibles. In the meantime…
>You can listen to Plaasjapie’s Adventures- he is the pig who wants to see the World. I have created 2 stories so far and the rest(20 000 words!) is still lined up to be recorded. #RooipenStories
>Foot Care: I don’t feel comfortable doing it in stage 4 of lockdown. Aaa I really miss cheering up some faces!
>#StoriesOfHope has a playlist of featured people who inspire me… My goal was to create ten podcasts for now(I’m getting there slowly but surely… the inspiring people are busy- even during lockdown!) You can subscribe to the podcast here #MondaysWithMarthie here…
>>Watershed Animal Rescue
>> The Diana Ferrus Pages
>>The Rappin Donkey–The-Rappin-Donkey-edpj1t
>>The Shackbuilder
>>Save The Sheep Sutherland
>>Winston Siljeur Productions–Bless-ee1qqf
>The Song Of The Week is a well known quote from the Bible I stuck on the fridge especially to keep the Black Corona Dog out… For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord… Jer 28:11(The English read version is on Woman on Fire album… I know the plans I have for you -Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch-Woman On Fire
The new Afrikaans- put to music in C- version can be heard here…
Ek weet wat ek vir jou beplan het-Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch-Woman On Fire
“Ek weet wat ek vir jou beplan het.
Ek beplan voorspoed vir jou, nie teëspoed nie.
Ek wil hê dat jy hoop vir die toekoms moet hê.
Jy sal na my roep en kom bid.
Ek sal na jou luister.
As jy heelhartig na my soek, sal jy My vind.
Ek sal jou uit gevangeniskap laat terugkeer.
Ek sal jou versamel tussen al die nasies waar jy nou is en uit al die plekke waarheen Ek jou verban het.
Ek sal jou weer terugbring na die plekke waarvandaan Ek jou in ballingskap laat gaan het, sê die Here.”
Jeremia 28:11